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Zucchini burgers

Total time: 30 Min
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 4 people
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400 gr
Stale bread
120 gr
Grated cheese
50 gr
1 clove
1/2 glass
as much as needed
as much as needed
olive oil
as much as needed

Zucchini burgers are a vegetarian and light variant of classic meat burgers. A dish that is really tasty and simple to prepare, very good for a light summer dish but rich in taste, an excellent idea to stuff a sandwich for a picnic or to take to the office. A delicious recipe to make children eat vegetables, since they usually like them very little. Here's how to prepare these delicious zucchini burgers quickly and easily.


Wash well the zucchini and remove the ends. 1 Dice them and cook them in a non-stick pan with extra-virgin olive oil and a whole clove of garlic. Add the salt and cook over a low heat for about ten minutes turning them occasionally with a wooden spoon. 2 Soak the bread in milk and let it in the bowl while the zucchini are cooling. Now squeeze the bread well and place it in a bowl with the zucchini, add the Parmesan cheese and stir. Form the hamburgers with the specific kitchen tool or a glass, cover them with breadcrumbs and cook over medium heat in a pan greased with oil, stirring them halfway through cooking. Your zucchini burgers are ready to be served. 3


– For a lighter preparation you can cook the zucchini burgers also in the oven; just put them in an oiled or buttered baking dish and cook them for 10/15 minutes at 190° C, turning them halfway through cooking.

– For the preparation choose small and firm zucchini that contain little water, compared to the larger ones.

– If the dough should be not so firm, you can add 2 eggs to mix with zucchini, bread and grated cheese.

– If you want to give your zucchini burgers a more aromatic flavor, add paprika or chili.

– Serve the zucchini burgers with a fresh mixed salad or use them to fill a sandwich, the best solution to have a lunch outside your home.

How to store zucchini burgers

The zucchini burgers can be kept in the fridge for 2 days in an airtight container. Before consuming, heat them in the oven to make them soft and tasty.

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