Chicken is a great muscle food with high protein content certified to help you bulk up faster however the common variety is the broiler chicken which causes a lot of damage to your health. Keep reading to find out more.
Broiler chicken is not the best meat you can eat because it causes a lot of damage to your health. These chickens are raised exclusively for their meat. In the poultry farm where they are raised, the atmosphere is sterile and thousands of birds are usually stuffed together in cages.
Their feed also contains antibiotics and other chemicals that are supposed to increase their growth rate by almost 3x.
The genetically modified broiler chicken breed eats genetically modified fodder which contains a lot of harmful chemicals and hormones.
Broilers have weak bone structures and are highly susceptible to avian diseases because they inbreed and also consume their own excreta.
The broiler chicken contains a high concentration of antibiotics, harmful hormones, and even trace amounts of pesticides.
Things like this can cause antibiotics resistance in some people, increase the risk of cancer.
Broiler chicken are known to host quite a number of deadly bacteria. Most tested chicken samples from the market contain bacteria such as Campylobacter spp and Salmonella.
If you consume this type of chicken regularly or even occasionally, you may be susceptible to diseases such as diarrhea and food poisoning. It also weakens your immune system over time.
Broiler chickens have poor health and immunity, because of their breeding so poultry farmers load them up with antibiotics. This has led to antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria. If your body doesn’t respond to the treatment, it could lead to a severe bout of illness.
Most poultry farms inject broiler chickens with naturally occurring and synthetic growth hormones. This can't be helped because poultry owners need to sell the chickens within a certain time-frame in order to turn a profit.
When we eat broiler chickens, the hormones they contain are most likely getting passed into our bodies too. This has been linked to obesity, male fertility problems, and early puberty in females.
Broilers are fed with a variety of nutritional supplements and growth boosters so they are always high on fat and low on muscle.
This does mean their meat is more tender but it means you're only consuming unhealthy fat instead of what is really needed. These unhealthy fats can cause health problems like high blood pressure, obesity, and heart problems.
If you do, the high temperature can influence the formation of heterocyclic amines and polycyclic amine hydrocarbons which increase the risk of prostate and breast cancer.