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Why Do Cheese and Wine Go So Well Together and Where Did This Pairing Even Come From?

Born in Ancient Rome and popularized by monks during the Middle Ages, the pairing of wine and cheese works so well because their tastes and textures complement each other, with wine acting as a palate cleanser and the cheese enhancing the taste of wine!

By Cookist

The No. 1 charcuterie board, when you're out to drink with friends, has always been a board of cheese and a glass of wine, and not only in France. It tastes so good, but why? Who even came up with the idea? And why does it taste so good? Let’s dive into the delicious world of wine and cheese pairings to uncover the history and science behind this classic combination.

Origins and History of Wine and Cheese

The tradition of pairing wine and cheese dates back centuries, with roots deeply embedded in European culture. Ancient Romans were among the first to enjoy this delightful duo, often consuming wine and cheese together during lavish feasts. The practice persisted through the Middle Ages, with monasteries in France and Italy becoming renowned for their cheese and wine production. Monks meticulously crafted both products, discovering that their flavors complemented each other perfectly. This synergy between wine and cheese eventually spread across Europe and beyond, becoming a staple in culinary traditions worldwide. Today, this historic pairing is cherished not only for its taste but also for its cultural significance.


Why Do They Work So Well Together?

One reason wine and cheese pair so well together lies in their complementary and contrasting flavors. Cheese, with its rich, creamy texture, often has a fatty, salty, and sometimes tangy profile. Wine, on the other hand, can offer a wide range of flavors, from sweet and fruity to dry and tannic. The acidity and tannins in wine cut through the richness of cheese, cleansing the palate and enhancing the overall tasting experience. This balance of flavors creates a harmonious sensation that delights the taste buds, making each bite and sip more enjoyable.

The Science Behind The Pairing

There’s a scientific explanation for why wine and cheese make such a perfect pair. At a molecular level, the fats in cheese interact with the tannins in wine, creating a smoother and more balanced taste. Tannins, which are compounds found in the skins and seeds of grapes, can sometimes cause a dry, astringent feeling in the mouth. However, when paired with the creamy fats in cheese, the tannins are softened, resulting in a more pleasant and rounded flavor. Additionally, the lactic acid in cheese can enhance the fruity and floral notes in wine, elevating the overall sensory experience.


The Match Between Aroma and Texture

Another reason for the successful pairing of wine and cheese is their combined impact on the senses. The textures of both wine and cheese play a crucial role in their compatibility. The creaminess of cheese contrasts beautifully with the crispness of white wines or the robustness of red wines. Moreover, the aromas of wine and cheese can complement each other, creating an intricate bouquet that tantalizes the senses. For instance, a nutty aged Gouda paired with a rich, full-bodied red wine can produce an aromatic symphony that enhances the enjoyment of both. This multisensory experience is what makes the combination of wine and cheese so irresistible.

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