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What Are The Main Cuts of Chicken? A Complete Guide With The Perfect Ways to Cook Them

What exactly is a chicken oyster? What’s the best cut of chicken for frying? And which cuts are best for making broth? Today, we’re going to tell you everything you need to know about chicken cuts: the differences between hen, rooster, free-range chicken, and broiler chicken, plus the best ways to identify and cook the various parts of this versatile meat.


Chicken meat is simple, it has a genuine, reassuring flavor. There are dozens of ways to cook it, it is without a doubt the most popular poultry meat in the world for a whole series of factors, ranging from the simplicity of breeding to religious reasons. We are used to eating mostly thighs and breasts but in reality chicken has many very interesting and often mistreated cuts. There is confusion in the choice of the same birds at the butcher, because the classification between capercaillies, chickens, pullets and so on is often disorienting. Let's clarify all aspects of this exquisite product.

The Different Types of Poultry

Within the "chicken universe" there are different names to indicate equally different types of animals, even of the same breed. A bit like what happens with beef and the different cuts of meat. With the term "chicken" we indicate all young animals of the species Gallus gallus domesticus, in a generic way, both males and females. When the chicken is over 10 months old and is not castrated it becomes a rooster, an animal raised exclusively for reproduction. It is difficult to find roosters to buy for food purposes, not because they are harmful, on the contrary, but because the "purpose" of the rooster is another. Instead we find many different types of poultry, of the same breed, which are divided by age and weight.


The classic chicken, the one we get at the rotisserie, is an animal of maximum 10 months, which weighs about one kilo. Going up in weight we find the pullet, which is almost one and a half kilos, and the hen that can reach two kilos. If your trusted butcher offers you a cockerel, he is offering you a chicken of about 6 months, which weighs between six hundred and eight hundred grams. Finally we find the free-range chicken which is a chicken that has reached 10 months, but has been castrated and then slaughtered when it reaches about three kilos.

All Cuts of Chicken Meat

Chicken meat is delicate, tasty, very easy to cook. It is a white meat, so it is lighter than red meat, but it is still nutritious. These characteristics make this type of food so appetizing, the most consumed meat in the world also because it is the only one that does not see religious limitations. The most used part is the breast, because it is leaner and more versatile; a cut with which you can prepare many recipes, stewed, grilled, fried, cooked in oil and so on. In addition to the breast there are many other tasty parts of the chicken, such as thighs, drumsticks or wings. The offal is also delicious, up to the bones and legs, two of the main ingredients of traditional broths and soups.

1. Chicken Skin


The chicken skin is the outermost part of the animal and is also the most discussed part: although it is not a real cut, it is a very important part for many preparations, but also much discussed. Should the skin be removed? For some it is the best part of the chicken, for others it is an unjustified frontal attack on our health.

Most of the fat in chicken is found in the skin, but this should not scare us. The Mayo Clinic, an institution of American medicine, has come to our rescue, having written an article on the healthiness of chicken skin on its website. According to doctors, consuming the outer part of the thigh and breast does not pose any major risks if cooked well, because chicken, with or without skin, has exactly the same cholesterol content. However, they point out that it is better to discard the skin because cholesterol levels are more sensitive to the total amount of fat consumed, rather than to cholesterol itself. On the other hand, it must be said that the skin is a very tasty part and prevents, especially the breast, from losing water and hardening.

The final suggestion is to prick the skin before cooking it, so as to protect the internal pulp from the heat and at the same time make the fat disappear almost completely. The Mayo Clinic clarifies that, as with every food in our diet, a one-time consumption does not pose any risk to our well-being.

2. Chicken Breast


The breast is the leanest cut of the whole animal, one of the most prized, and is obtained from the front part of the bird. It can be prepared in slices, in bite-sized pieces or whole, and cooked on the grill, stewed, breaded and fried like a cutlet if there is a large piece, or like chicken nuggets if it is cut into bite-sized pieces. Depending on the type of cooking we choose, we can also marinate the meat before cooking.

There are many delicious recipes with chicken breast: to stay on the subject, Mediterranean chicken is excellent. The slices are passed in flour to become more tender, they are then prepared with cherry tomatoes, black olives, capers and aromatic herbs. Try the chicken breast in milk, we assure you that especially the little ones will love it: a light and main dish made with milk, which will mix with the flour and butter during cooking, creating a light béchamel sauce. Still on the subject of deliciousness we can only suggest a chicken breast, cut into cubes, breaded in cornflakes, a delight, or even kung pao chicken, the recipe for the Chinese dish with peanuts and peppers. If you are a purist, there are many suggestions for a soft and succulent grilled chicken breast.

3. Chicken Head, Feet and Bones


These three elements always go together and are perfect for making a lean but tasty broth. All three parts are meatless and have very little fat, almost none, yet they have an unmistakable flavor that improves every dish. The fattiest part is the legs, which completely lose all the component after two hours of cooking: this gives the broth a very intense flavor. The composition of this part of the animal's body makes it a sort of natural jelly. Nowadays the legs are only used to strengthen the flavor, but the most daring nibble on the limbs, a real delicacy. The same can be said for the head and bones.

To prepare the perfect chicken broth, the advice is to combine these three elements with celery, carrot and onion in a pot of cold water; cook for about two hours and then serve. Do not add salt or stock cube, there is no need. If you want to add other spices or vegetables instead, feel free to play with a real delicious "potion".

4. The Chicken Oyster

What an absurd name: and yet it is the most delicious and sought-after part of all the chicken cuts. In this case, we are talking about the small and succulent piece extracted from the undertail. Traditionally, the pleasure of eating it is usually reserved for the elderly. This saying dates back to the Middle Ages, when the clergy and aristocracy could indulge in the most refined dishes. Often these dishes were donated by farmers to their masters, and by "donated" we mean that these poor people were forced to give the food to the lords.

5. The Chicken Neck


The chicken neck is very tasty but it is perhaps the most difficult part to cook. It is usually prepared stuffed and then cooked in boiling water or, even better, in the oven. Since ancient times the stuffing of the chicken neck has been an excellent source of calories with pieces of waste. It is usually made with the chicken innards as a filling and some vegetables, all cooked in the oven.

The best of world cuisine regarding this cut is found in Asia: the necks of birds, especially chicken, duck and goose, are a very delicious ingredient. It has a fairly strong flavor for a white meat, which is why it is also excellent in the preparation of ragù and meat sauces. The neck is also perfect as a casing for meatballs and roulades.

6. Chicken Thigh and Drumstick


Chicken legs are one of the biggest causes of arguments in families: a part of the bird's body that becomes a serious cause of dispute in all homes. The legs are delicious, excellent to eat with your hands, with a perfect balance between the amount of fat and meat, a much more moist part than the rest of the chicken. An anatomical cut that brings us back to childhood, with a dirty face and a smile on our lips.

The versatility of this cut of chicken is really interesting, due to the aforementioned balance. Fantastic to eat breaded, both fried and baked. Also try with puff pastry. There are many recipes with chicken legs, also called spindle or drumstick, and they are all delicious. The same rules apply to the thighs: they are the upper part of the thighs, it is a very economical and versatile cut, ideal for cooking the timeless chicken curry.

7. Chicken Wings


Chickens have wings but they don't fly: these won't help the animal take flight, but they are really delicious. Chicken wings are made up of two parts: the first is the actual wing, very meaty, to be prepared in the oven or on the grill; the final part is however the most famous. The famous chicken wings are in fact the wings, the smallest part of the cut. They are also delicious fried after marinating with paprika.

8. Chicken Crests and Wattles


Crests and wattles are those strange red fleshy protuberances that adorn the heads of roosters and hens. They vary from breed to breed, there are about 9 types of crests, but the preparations are always the same. These two cuts seem almost forgotten but in the past they were highly appreciated. The most famous recipes are finanziera and cibreo, a creamy broth of meat and eggs that is said to have been the favorite dish of Caterina de' Medici. Also excellent if used in a broth used for cooking liver risotto.

9. Chicken Livers and Other Offal


We've mentioned them, let's stick to it: livers are part of the offal and are perhaps the most sold innards on the market. They are quite easy to clean, the only precaution is to eliminate the gall, a very bitter compound. We suggest looking at the color and appearance of the ingredient before purchasing: the best livers are the fattier ones, hazelnut colored, compared to the dark red ones. They can be used for pâtés, ragùs and terrines, but they are also excellent fried, both breaded and plain.

We conclude with the other offal, namely hearts, testicles and spleen for a very specific reason: taken individually they may turn up the nose of many, but these three cuts, together with the livers, are the basic ingredients of the pâté for excellent Tuscan crostini.

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