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How to Pick the Perfect Watermelon at The Store: 5 Tips to Choose the Ripest and Sweetest Melon

Selecting the perfect watermelon can be stressful, but with our guide everything will be easier. Look for a deep yellow field spot, indicating ripeness. Avoid shiny skins; dull skin means maturity. Brown spots show sweet bee pollination. Choose a watermelon with a dry stem for the best flavor, and knock to listen for a dull sound. Happy picking!


Selecting a watermelon can feel like a high-stakes game. What if you choose one that’s bland and flavorless? No one wants to waste money or food on a disappointing fruit. But fear not! We’ve crafted a foolproof guide to help you pick the ripest, sweetest watermelon every time. Here are our five expert tips to ensure your watermelon is the star of your summer.

1. Look for The Yellow Field Spot


When inspecting watermelons, start by looking for the field spot. This is the area where the melon rested on the ground during its growth. If this spot is white or light yellow, it's a clear sign that the watermelon is unripe. Instead, you want to find a watermelon with a deep yellow spot. This golden hue indicates that the fruit spent plenty of time ripening in the sun, soaking up all those sweet juices. It’s like nature’s own ripeness certification!

2. Shiny Skin is a No-Go


While a shiny watermelon might catch your eye, it’s not the one you want to bring home. During the growing process, watermelons develop a glossy coating that fades as they ripen. An opaque, dull skin means the fruit is mature and ready to eat. Think of it as the watermelon’s way of saying, "I’m all grown up and delicious now!"

3. Brown Spots Are A Sign of Sweetness


Next, check for brown spots on the skin. These spots are often where bees have pollinated the watermelon flowers. More brown spots typically mean more pollination, which translates to a sweeter fruit. It’s like the watermelon has a sweet story written all over it. The more "bee kisses" it has, the better!

4. A Green Stem Has to Be Avoided


The stem of the watermelon can also tell you a lot about its ripeness. A dry, brown stem indicates that the watermelon was harvested at the perfect time. On the other hand, if the stem is still green, it means the fruit was picked too early and might not be as sweet or flavorful. Think of a dry stem as a retirement badge for a watermelon that's ready to meet its culinary destiny.

5. Finally, Do The Knock Test


Last but not least, the knock test. This traditional method involves tapping the watermelon and listening to the sound it makes. A ripe watermelon will produce a deep, hollow sound, indicating it's full of water and ready to enjoy. If the sound is dull, it’s ready to be devoured. It's like the watermelon is saying, “I’m juicy, come get me!”

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