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The time of day when you burn more calories even at rest

According to a recent study, in fact, in the afternoon the organism would be busy making the organs work, and this thing would accelerate the metabolism, favoring weight loss.


Do you know that there is a time of day when you burn a lot of calories even when you are at rest? According to a recent study, in fact, in the afternoon the organism would be busy making the organs work, and this thing would accelerate the metabolism, favoring weight loss.

Following a diet, everybody has counted the calories consumed and burned during the day trying to achieve optimal results. The thing that few people know is that these approximate calculations probably are quite useless. According to a recent study, in fact, there would be a time of day when more fat would be burned, since the metabolism would be activated in a natural way. Let’s discover what it is.


During the afternoon it seems that the metabolism is more active

According to new research published in Current Biology, there would be a precise moment of the day in which the body manages to have a super active metabolism even at rest. In particular, examinations were conducted on seven volunteers aged between 38 and 69, left in a room without windows and with soft lighting for 37 days, and the results were clear: in the afternoon they managed to burn 10% more calories than they did in other parts of the day. What are the reason why such a thing happens? The organism is controlled by circadian rhythms, and these non only regulate sleep and wake cycles, but they also influence energy consumption.


In the afternoon, therefore, more fat is burned because the body is busy making the organs work, keeping the breath and the regular pressure active. On average, the extra calories burned between 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. would be about 129. "If we get up an hour or two earlier and have breakfast, we find ourselves eating at a time when our body may not be prepared to face the food, but above all when it needs less energy to keep our vital functions active ", explained the principal author of the research, Dr. Jeanne Duffy.


The best thing would therefore be to reprogram our days, so as to lose weight more easily , although new studies will be needed to understand whether diseases like obesity and diabetes can be associated with circadian rhythm disorders.

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