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The properties of yogurt

Yogurt is also a source of proteins rich in essential amino acids (for example, those amino acids that the body is unable to synthesize independently).


Rich in calcium, the yogurt, if integrated into daily nutrition, contributes to achieving the recommended daily requirement of it. Yogurt is also a source of proteins rich in essential amino acids (for example, those amino acids that the body is unable to synthesize independently). With a small jar of yogurt we also take in another mineral salt, phosphorus, and some vitamins into our diet. In particular there are the vitamins of group A (which fight free radicals and therefore play an important antioxidant function), vitamin B2 (highly energizing) and those of group H (useful for nails and hair during seasonal changes). And we must not forget that yogurt can also be consumed by those suffering from lactose intolerance, given that the bacteria present inside "pre-digest" lactose, making yogurt suitable even for those who cannot eat milk or dairy products.

All types of yogurt

Whole, low-fat, vegetable, Greek, with fruit or milk enzymes. To each his/her own yogurt. You can lose yourself in the many possibilities offered by the supermarket refrigerator counter. But what should you be careful of? How can you choose the right yogurt for your own needs?

Fruit yogurt

First rule: in front of the refrigerator counter, don’t be fooled by the combination of yogurt and fruit. Almost always in fact in this type of yogurt the quantity of fruit contained is practically ridiculous and at the same time there are significantly sugars, dyes and food additives.


Low-fat yogurt

A low-fat yogurt is not necessarily better than a whole one. According to law, to be defined low-fat a yogurt must have a lipid content of 1% or less. A low-fat yogurt will then be "cleaned" of its fats, but during the "cleansing" phase, it will also lose proteins and vitamins. And then you have to read the labels carefully: very often to correct the flavor of low-fat yogurts, sugars (also in the form of fructose, grape juice or aspartame) are added, thus increasing the caloric content.

White yogurt to be personalized

So it is better to opt for a classic white yogurt, made only from acidified milk, and then personalize it at the time of consumption as you prefer: with a teaspoon of honey, with fresh fruit or with almonds.


The three filtrations of Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is also an excellent choice. It is the most balanced yogurt for proteins, carbohydrates and fats and it has a highly satiating power. Its characteristics derive from the fact that it is subjected to three filtrations: a process through which it loses a lot of sodium and lactose while preserving a greater quantity of proteins.

Yogurt enriched with probiotics and milk enzymes


Yogurts enriched with probiotics and milk enzymes really have something extra. Unlike the "cousins" (the Streptococcus thermophilus and the Lactobacillus bulgaricus), which once ingested are immediately destroyed by the gastric juices of the stomach, probiotics and milk enzymes added to the yogurt have a greater resistance capacity and once arrived in the intestine they can contribute to rebalance the bacterial flora and bring significant benefits to the body. Probiotics are in fact able to perform different functions, in particular they have an important bactericidal capacity, they strengthen the immune system and nourish the microbiota. But be careful with the expiration date: it is always better to buy a yogurt that is as fresh as possible, to be sure that the lactic ferments and probiotics are still alive.

Vegetable yogurt

For those suffering from lactose intolerance and unable to eat milk yogurt, there are alternative yogurt derived from vegetable drinks, such as soy or coconut or almond. This type of yogurt is suitable not only for those suffering from lactose intolerance, but also for vegans, those with high cholesterol and those on a low-calorie diet.

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