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The 12 Weirdest Things People Have Ever Found in Their Food

Sometimes, the biggest surprises in life come from where we least expect them—our food. While an extra fry in your bag is a welcome bonus, some unlucky diners have found far more shocking additions to their meals. From critters lurking in produce to objects no one should ever bite into, these bizarre discoveries will make you think twice before your next bite.


Food surprises can be delightful—like an extra nugget in your fast food order or an unexpected swirl of caramel in your ice cream. But sometimes, the surprises are much less pleasant… and downright bizarre. From strange objects to creepy crawlers, these 12 shocking discoveries will make you double-check your next meal!

1. A Frog in a Can of Soda

Imagine cracking open a refreshing can of soda, only to find a little amphibian floating inside. That’s exactly what happened to a man in Florida who claimed to have discovered a whole frog in his canned beverage. The worst part? He had already taken a sip before he noticed.

2. A Human Tooth in a Fast Food Burger

One unlucky diner in Japan bit into their McDonald's burger and discovered a human tooth lodged inside. Officials investigated but couldn’t determine how it ended up there. Bonus protein? No, thanks.


3. A Bat in a Salad Mix

In a truly unsettling discovery, a dead bat was found in a pre-packaged salad mix purchased from a major grocery store in Florida. The company issued an immediate recall, and we’re guessing some people switched to frozen veggies for a while.

4. A Whole Chicken Head in Fried Chicken

A woman in Virginia got more than she bargained for when she found a deep-fried chicken head in her fast-food order. The beak, eyes, and all were intact, leaving her horrified—and probably never wanting chicken again.

5. A Razor Blade in Ice Cream

Enjoying a pint of ice cream is usually a treat—unless you find a razor blade inside. That’s exactly what happened to one unsuspecting customer, leading to an urgent recall by the manufacturer. Talk about a sharp twist to dessert.


6. A Lizard in a Bag of Chips

A man in the UK reached into his bag of salt and vinegar chips and pulled out something… extra crunchy. It was a small, fully intact lizard. The most disturbing part? It was missing its tail, leading people to wonder if someone had already eaten the rest.

7. A Live Snake in a Can of Beans

A UK shopper opened a can of beans and found a tiny live snake slithering around inside. How it survived the canning process is a mystery, but we’re guessing that person switched to homemade beans from then on.

8. A Used Bandage in a Pizza

While diving into a slice of pizza, a New York woman found something unexpected—a used bandage baked into the crust. Not exactly the extra topping she ordered.

Photo from Beau Jo’s Facebook page

9. A Bullet in a Hot Dog

At a baseball game, one fan bit into a hot dog only to find a live bullet inside. Authorities couldn’t figure out how it got there, but the person was (understandably) hesitant to finish their meal.

10. A Mouse in a Loaf of Bread

A family in the UK discovered a fully baked mouse inside their store-bought loaf of bread. Even worse, it was halfway through the loaf when they noticed. No word on whether they finished their sandwiches…

11. A Tarantula in a Bunch of Bananas

It’s not uncommon for fruit to carry a few bugs, but one shopper got more than they bargained for—a live tarantula crawling out of their bananas. Who needs protein bars when your fruit comes with its own terrifying snack?


12. A Finger in Frozen Custard

Perhaps the most gruesome discovery of all—a woman in North Carolina was enjoying a cup of frozen custard when she found a severed human finger inside. Turns out, an employee had accidentally cut it off while working and somehow it ended up in the dessert.

Do You REALLY Know What’s in Your Food?

These shocking finds prove that sometimes, it’s best to inspect your meal before taking a bite. While food safety laws are strict, bizarre slip-ups still happen. So next time you’re about to dig in, maybe take a quick look—you never know what surprise might be lurking inside!

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