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Tamagoyaki: the recipe for the delicious Japanese omelette

Total time: 10 Min
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 1 person
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Soy sauce
1 tbsp
Mirin or sake
1 tbsp
Granulated sugar
1 tbsp
as much as needed
seed oil
as much as needed
Fresh spring onion
Nori seaweed
about 5 cm

Tamagoyaki, meaning literally "fried egg", is a typical dish of Japanese cuisine. It is a kind of rolled omelette, soft and with a slightly sweet aftertaste, served for breakfast, as a snack or as an accompaniment to the  classic sushi. You can often find it in the "bento", the traditional lunch box when you can't come back home for your meal. This delicious roll, flavored with soy sauce, mirin and a hint of sugar, is served with spring onions and nori seaweed, for an original and very fresh version. A fascinating preparation, which requires a little more effort and manual skills. The final result will repay you for the effort made, you can bet. So let’s find out how to prepare the tamagoyaki with spring onions and nori seaweed by following our recipe step by step.

How to prepare Tamagoyaki


Break the eggs into a bowl and beat them with chopsticks (1).


Add 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar (2).


Pour 1 tablespoon of soy sauce (3) and 1 of mirin; season with a pinch of salt and beat well until the mixture will be smooth.


Heat a drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil in a non-stick pan and then pour a little of the egg-based mixture, just to cover the surface (4).


When the omelette is firm in the lower part, but is still soft on the surface, roll it up on itself, pushing it to one side of the pan (5).


Grease the remaining free bottom of the pan and pour in a little more egg mixture (6); when the base is set, wrap the omelette on the previous one and continue like this until the mixture is used up. You will get an omelette roll, always wrapping the cooked part over the soft one.


Transfer the omelette roll to a sushi mat (7) and wrap it tightly. Let it cool for a few minutes.


Cut the tamagoyaki into rather thick slices (8).


Clean the spring onion and cut it into thin slices. Place your roll on top, garnish with strips of nori seaweed and serve (9).

How to store Tamagoyaki


To appreciate the tamagoyaki compactness and flavor, we suggest to taste it hot when it's just ready. In case of leftovers, keep it in an airtight container for a maximum of a day.

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