
Salmon And Avocado Fried Rice Paper Chips

Total time: 15 min
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 4-6
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By Cookist

Craving a light and healthy twist on summer entertaining? Then ditch the heavy appetizers and go for Salmon And Avocado Rice Paper Chips! Imagine crispy, translucent rice paper shells holding a cool and creamy filling of succulent salmon and perfectly ripe avocado. A drizzle of soy sauce and Japanese-style mayonnaise add the finishing touch, making these cups a flavor and texture explosion in every bite. The fried paper cups are made quick and easy by simply frying them. And for the filling, you simply combine the ingredients. So for your next summer gathering, why not avoid the overly greasy appetizers and say hello to this healthy appetizer!

What Are Salmon and Avo Filled Fried Rice Paper Chips?

Salmon and Avo Fried Paper Cups are a modern fusion appetizer that combines Asian and Western influences. Unlike true chips, these are delicate and crispy edible cups filled with a cool and creamy salmon and avocado mixture.

The concept behind this recipe likely emerged from the rise of fusion cuisine in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Rice paper wrappers, a staple in Southeast Asian cooking (particularly Vietnamese spring rolls), are transformed into crispy cups using a technique likely inspired by fried wonton wrappers in Chinese cuisine. The filling, featuring the trendy and healthy avocado paired with protein-rich salmon, reflects modern culinary trends.

The dish is incredibly versatile. You can swap the salmon for other proteins like cooked chicken or shrimp, and adjust the filling with different vegetables, herbs, and sauces. The simplicity of the recipe makes it perfect for entertaining or a quick weeknight meal.


  • Use a neutral oil like canola or vegetable oil and ensure it reaches medium-high heat. If the oil isn't hot enough, the rice paper won't puff up properly.
  • Don't overcrowd the pan. This lowers the oil temperature and leads to soggy chips. Fry one or two rice paper pieces at a time.
  • Immediately transfer the fried chips to a paper towel-lined plate to remove excess oil. This prevents sogginess.
  • Use high-quality, fresh salmon for the best flavor and texture.
  • Choose perfectly ripe avocados that yield to gentle pressure. Unripe avocados won't mash well, and overripe ones will be mushy. Drizzle the avocado with a little lemon juice to prevent browning while you prepare the rest of the dish.
  • Experiment with different flavor profiles in your filling. Try adding a touch of sriracha for a spicy kick, or chopped fresh herbs for a bright and flavorful twist.
  • Make the rice paper cups and salmon mixture ahead of time. Assemble the cups with avocado and sauce right before serving for maximum crispness.

What Can I Use If I Don't Have Salmon?

These chips are very versatile! You can substitute cooked chicken, shrimp, or even tofu for the salmon.

My Avocado Isn't Ripe Yet, Can I Still Use It?

Unfortunately, no. Unripe avocados won't mash well and won't have the same creamy texture.  Wait until your avocado yields to gentle pressure for the best results.

How Can I Prevent the Avocado From Browning?

A simple trick is to drizzle the avocado with a little lemon juice after mashing. This helps inhibit the browning reaction.

Can I Make These Chips Ahead of Time?

Yes! You can fry the rice paper cups and prepare the salmon mixture in advance. Just assemble the cups with avocado and sauce right before serving to maintain the crispness.

Can I Bake The Rice Paper Instead Of Frying?

While not the traditional method, you can attempt to bake the rice paper. However, it might not achieve the same level of crispiness as frying. Brush the rice paper with a little oil and bake at a high temperature (around 400°F/200°C) for a few minutes until golden brown. Be sure to watch them closely as they can burn easily.

How To Store Fried Rice Paper Chips

While best enjoyed fresh, leftover fried rice paper can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for up to a day. However, they might lose some of their crispness. Store the filling in the fridge for up to two days.


rice sheets
Soy sauce
Japanese-style mayonnaise

How To Make fried rice paper chips

Using a sharp knife or kitchen shears, cut a single sheet of rice paper into smaller pieces. Go for uniform triangles or squares.

Heat enough oil in a large skillet or pan over medium-high heat. Aim for about 1/2 inch depth of oil.

Once the oil is hot (a small piece of rice paper dropped in should sizzle immediately), carefully dip the rice paper pieces into the oil. It will puff up and crisp within seconds.

Use tongs to transfer the chip to a paper towel-lined plate to drain any excess oil. Repeat with remaining rice paper rounds, frying them one or two at a time to avoid overcrowding the pan.

Prepare the filling by mixing together the salmon, mayonnaise and soy sauce.

Fill the rice paper cups with avocado. Then add the salmon filling.

Sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Serve and enjoy.

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