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Bacon-Wrapped Roast Chicken: the delicious and easy recipe enriched with mashed potatoes

Total time: 60 Min
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 6 people
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Bacon-wrapped roast chicken is a particular recipe, an original and inviting recipe for chicken breast that everybody will like. Light and nutritious, this recipe is enriched by a delicious filling, which makes it very tasty.

It is perfect as a second course, if accompanied by a side dish: in the recipe we opted for some delicious mashed potatoes, but you can also decide to serve it with vegetables cooked in a pan or in the oven. You can also prepare two roast chicken and freeze it already sliced ​​to have the ideal portion ready to take to the office or a dish to do when you have little time to cook.


As explained, for this recipe the best thing would be to have a free-range chicken, which you can usually buy in a butcher shop: if you cannot find it, two overlapping chicken breasts will be fine. But pay attention to the origin of the meat, better if it is organic.

You can also add cubed cheese to the filling, but also the aromatic herbs you prefer: in addition to thyme, chicken goes very well with rosemary.

If you love stuffed roasts, try the recipe for stuffed beef roast and veal roast.

How to store Bacon-Wrapped Roast Chicken

You can store the bacon-wrapped roast chicken cut into slices for 1-2 days in the refrigerator tightly closed in an airtight container; alternatively, you can freeze it in single slices and defrost them a few hours before serving.


Chicken breast
Free-range 1.2 kg
Stale bread
100 grams
100 ml
60 grams
50 grams
4 slices
Parmesan cheese
4 spoons
White wine
1 glass
as much as is needed
as much as is needed
as much as is needed

How to make Bacon-wrapped Roast Chicken

Start by preparing the filling: break up the bread and sprinkle it with the milk 1.

Add the chopped sausage, chopped walnuts, thyme, parmesan cheese 2, egg and a little salt and pepper. Mix everything until you have a homogeneous mixture.

Open the chicken breast like a book, removing the bone and trying to give it a rectangular shape. If you don't find such a big chicken, don't worry: use the slices and put them close to each other on a sheet of plastic wrap. Add salt and pepper 3.

Spread the filling over the chicken 4.

Roll it tight enough. Cover it with the slices of bacon and tie it with string 5.

In a pan to put in the oven, heat the butter. Brown the roast on each side 6. Pour in the white wine and let it evaporate, then put it in the oven at 180° C for about 45 minutes.

When the roast is ready (try it with a toothpick to check its consistency), slice it, sprinkle it with the cooking juices and serve very hot accompanied with the mashed potatoes 8.

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