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Puff Pastry Sweet Ravioli: The Recipe for a Perfect and Easy Dessert

Total time: 15 min prep/15 min bake
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 4-6
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Craving something light, flaky, and creamy… but without the hassle? Then these delectable Sweet Ravioli treats are sure to become your favorite. Unlike their traditional counterparts filled with meat and cheese, these little pockets are crafted from golden puff pastry and stuffed with a sweet, dreamy cream filling. Perfect for a quick sweet snack for afternoon tea, sweet ravioli comes together in a snap. All you need is store-bought puff pastry (a real time-saver!), a simple cream filling, and a few minutes. A quick dusting of powdered sugar or a drizzle of your favorite sauce (think chocolate, caramel, or fruit coulis) transforms these beauties into a show-stopping dish. With just a few ingredients and some love, you can whip up a batch of sweet ravioli that will leave your guests wanting more.

What Is Sweet ‘Ravioli’?

Sweet ravioli, also sometimes called cream puffs or cream pockets, are tasty little pastries made with a flaky puff pastry shell and a sweet, creamy filling. Unlike their savory cousins filled with meat and cheese, these bite-sized treats offer a great contrast of textures and flavors. While the history of savory ravioli stretches back to medieval Italy, the sweet version seems to be a more recent innovation, likely inspired by the classic cream puff.  Some believe it may have originated in Europe, possibly France or Austria, where cream puffs have been enjoyed for centuries. It likely arose from the desire to create a lighter, more portable dessert option using readily available ingredients.

They're incredibly versatile and fillings can range from classic vanilla or chocolate cream to fruity concoctions like lemon curd or raspberry jam. A simple dusting of powdered sugar is all they need, but you can also get creative with glazes, sauces, and fresh fruit toppings.

So, the next time you're looking for a delightful and impressive dessert, give sweet ravioli a try! They're a delicious twist on a classic that's sure to become a new favorite.


  • For optimal results, thaw puff pastry in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. This ensures even thawing and prevents a doughy, under-puffed result.
  • Brush the pastry with a beaten egg wash before baking. This creates a beautiful golden brown color and adds a nice sheen.
  • Play with different flavors for your cream filling! Vanilla bean paste, almond extract, fruit extracts, or even a touch of liquor like rum or brandy can add exciting twists.
  • Try different fillings: classic vanilla or chocolate cream to fruity concoctions like lemon curd or raspberry jam will all work
  • Let the cream filling cool completely before filling the puff pastry. Warm filling will cause the pastry to melt.

What Are Some Filling Ideas?

The possibilities are endless! Classic options include vanilla or chocolate cream, but you can also try fruit fillings like lemon curd or raspberry jam.

Can I Make Them Ahead of Time?

The pastry shells can be baked in advance and stored in an airtight container for a day or two. Fill them just before serving to ensure a crisp crust.

My Puff Pastry Isn't Rising!

Make sure your puff pastry is cold before baking. If it's too warm, the butter will melt, preventing it from puffing properly.

What Can I Use Instead of Whipped Cream?

You could try pastry cream, custard, or even ricotta cheese mixed with honey.

How Can I Dress Them Up?

Drizzle with chocolate sauce, caramel sauce, or fruit coulis. Top with fresh fruit, chopped nuts, or a sprinkle of cocoa powder.

How to Store Sweet Ravioli 

Store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to one day. The cold temperature will slow down the softening of the pastry shell but can make it slightly less crisp. Enjoy them within a day for the best texture.

The cream filling can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.


1 roll of puff pastry
Whipping cream
300ml (1 1/4 cups)
25g (2 tbsp)
Powdered sugar

How To Make Sweet ‘Ravioli’

Unroll the puff pastry sheet and, using a round cookie cutter or a ravioli cutter, cut it into uniform squares.

Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F). Transfer them to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Use a pastry brush to coat the tops of the pastry with milk.

Bake for 15 minutes, or until they are fully puffed and achieve a rich golden-brown hue.

While the pastries bake, prepare the cream filling. In a pre-chilled bowl, using an electric mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whip the heavy cream with the sugar until it reaches stiff peaks.

Once the pastries are cool enough to handle comfortably, carefully slice each one in half horizontally.

Use a piping bag to pipe a generous dollop of the whipped cream onto the bottom half of each pastry.

Gently press the tops back onto the bottoms, creating cream-filled pockets.

Dust the assembled ravioli with powdered sugar through a fine-mesh sieve.

Serve and enjoy!

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