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Puff Pastry Savory Tongues: The Recipe for Easy & Delicious Veggie Appetizers

Total time: 10 min prep/ 20 min bake
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 6-8
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Running short on time but need a crowd-pleasing appetizer? Then these Puff Pastry Savory Tongues are just what you need. Savory tongues are thin strips of puff pastry brushed with olive oil and sprinkled with a variety of delicious vegetables. Unlike traditional puff pastry recipes that require intricate folding techniques, these beauties come together in a flash.  Simply roll out pre-made puff pastry, slice it into strips, and add your favorite savory ingredients. These savory tongues require minimal prep work and bake up quickly in the oven, making them a stress-free solution for any occasion.

What Are Puff Pastry Savory Tongues?

Puff pastry savory tongues are appetizers made with pre-made puff pastry dough topped with vegetable ingredients. They're a quick and easy finger food perfect for any occasion, from casual get-togethers to potlucks or even fancy parties.

Puff pastry itself boasts a rich history dating back centuries.  Its origins are often attributed to ancient civilizations like the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, who developed layered dough techniques.  However, the flaky, airy puff pastry we know today is believed to have emerged in Europe around the 16th and 17th centuries.  French chefs are credited with perfecting the art of "pâte feuilletée" (layered pastry), a laborious process involving repeated rolling and folding of dough and butter.

Puff pastry appetizers require minimal effort, using store-bought puff pastry as a base. A variety of toppings can be added! From roasted vegetables and herbs to cheese and cured meats, the possibilities are endless.  This allows you to customize the flavors to suit your taste and even incorporate seasonal ingredients.


  • Thaw the puff pastry completely! Take it out of the freezer about 30 minutes before you plan to use it. A partially frozen puff pastry will be difficult to work with and won't rise properly. Work on a cool surface and handle the dough as little as possible to prevent it from warming up. Warm dough melts the butter layers, hindering the characteristic puff.
  • Get creative with your toppings! Combine different textures and flavors. Roasted vegetables, caramelized onions, sun-dried tomatoes, and cheeses like feta or goat cheese are all great options. For a touch of protein, consider adding chopped ham or crumbled sausage.
  • While tempting, avoid piling on too many toppings. A heavy filling can weigh down the puff pastry and prevent it from rising properly.
  • Brush the puff pastry with olive oil or melted butter before adding toppings. This helps create a golden brown, crispy crust.

Can I Use Homemade Puff Pastry Instead Of Store-Bought?

Yes, you can!  While store-bought puff pastry offers convenience, feel free to use your favorite homemade recipe if you have the time.  Just remember to handle the dough as little as possible to maintain the delicate layers.

What Vegetables Can I Use for The Toppings?

The possibilities are endless!  Here are some popular options:

  • Roasted vegetables like asparagus, bell peppers, zucchini, or onions
  • Caramelized onions for a sweet and savory twist
  • Sun-dried tomatoes
  • Spinach or kale

What Kind of Cheese Can I Use?

A variety of cheeses work well. Consider:

  • Feta cheese for a crumbly texture and salty tang
  • Goat cheese for a creamy option with a mild flavor
  • Parmesan cheese for a nutty and sharp taste
  • Shredded mozzarella for a classic cheesy element

My Puff Pastry Isn't Rising Properly. What Went Wrong?

There could be a few reasons:

  •     The puff pastry might not have been thawed completely.
  •     The dough might have been overworked, damaging the butter layers.
  •     The oven temperature might not be hot enough.

Can I Make These Ahead of Time?

Yes!  Prepare the puff pastry tongues and top them according to your recipe.  Refrigerate them for up to 24 hours before baking. When ready to serve, simply bake them from slightly chilled.

What Dipping Sauce Can I Serve with The Puff Pastry Tongues?

These savory bites are delicious on their own, but you can also offer dipping sauces like marinara sauce, pesto, hummus, or a simple lemon vinaigrette.

More Puff Pastry Finger Foods to Try

Caprese Puff Pastry Tarts

Puff Pastry Savory Squares

Puff Pastry Salad Baskets

Zucchini and Salmon Palmiers

Feta Spinach Puff Pastry Squares

How To Store Puff Pastry Savory Tongues

Cool completely, store in an airtight container in the fridge for 3 days.


Cherry tomatoes
2 rolls of puff pastry
For the first three tongues
dry oregano
Extra virgin olive oil
For the second three tongues
dry oregano
Extra virgin olive oil

How To Make Puff Pastry Savory Tongues

Cut the mushrooms and vegetables into slices and set them aside.

Unroll the first puff pastry on the cutting board and cut it lengthwise into three parts. With the help of a pizza cutter round the edges.

For the first three pastry tongues start arranging on first onion and sprinkle with dry oregano. For the second one arrange zucchini slices and mint leaves. On the third arrange cherry tomatoes, and olives and sprinkle with dry oregano.

Season with salt and add a drizzle of olive oil. Transfer to the oven and bake at 180°C/360°F for 15 minutes.

Remove from the oven and arrange the cheese. Bake again at 180°C/360°F for 5 minutes to melt the cheese.

For the second three pastry tongues start arranging on first potatoes and rosemary. On second onion and dry oregano. On the third mushroom slices and parsley. Season with salt and add a drizzle of olive oil.

Transfer to the oven and bake at 180°C/360°F for 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and arrange the cheese on top. Bake again at 180°C/360°F for 5 minutes to melt the cheese.

Slice and serve.

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