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Prince George Says He Wants to Become a Pizza Chef Before Becoming a King

The heir to the throne of England loves pizza and, after a visit to a restaurant near his home, he expressed his desire to learn the art of baking in addition to becoming a top gun like his great-grandfather.


Pizza is so good that not even an heir to the throne can resist it: little Prince George has admitted that he dreams of being a pizza chef. At least that's according to Desmond MacCharthy, owner of a pizzeria in Norfolk, Wiveton Hall Café, where George went with his mother and some friends. The pizzeria owner told the Daily Mail that the prince was "fascinated by the wood-fired oven, where we cook the pizza" and told Kate that this is what he wants to do when he grows up. We get it, can you imagine a nice pizza with the crown?

A Prince's Passions: Pizza and Flying

George is taking flying lessons and will certainly try to break the records for precociousness in aviation held by his great-grandfather, Philip of Edinburgh, despite going against the advice of his grandfather King Charles. The current monarch of Great Britain will probably try to cultivate his 11-year-old grandson's second passion: pizza. After all, despite the stress, it is less dangerous to bake pizzas than to fly in a fighter jet at supersonic speed.

Courtesy of E! News

Desmond MacCharthy spoke with great affection of the child, saying that he is sweet and polite, that with his friends he behaved like a normal 11-year-old in a pizzeria, whose restaurant is not far from one of the sovereigns' homes.  William and Kate also have a country house, Anmer Hall, nearby. In reality, this passion was inherited from George: in 2018, Kate already spoke of her passion for leavened products and that the children (George and Charlotte, now 9 years old) loved to play preparing pizza dough. It is likely that it was during those hours of play with his mother that the heir to the throne saw this sacred fire for pizza born. Let's hope that George cultivates this passion, after all, pizza has always had a strong connection with European royal families.

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