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Pastry Roses: the effortless, quick appetizer recipe you’ll love

Total time: 40 Min
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 6 people
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These pastry roses are a great appetizer that will bring joy to your table in just a few minutes. This tasty finger food is made of puff pastry stripes that you will just need to fill, roll up and bake. We decided to fill our roses with zucchini, cheese and smoked salmon, however you can also try this recipe with cured meats or vegetables like potatoes, eggplants, bell peppers or carrots.

The trick to create perfect tiny roses is to place the filling in a way that pops out from the pastry a little bit, so that they can turn into petals once baked. Quick and easy to make, these puff pastry roses are ideal appetizers to accompany a drink with friends or to be served at buffets, or even just to serve at a meal with friends. Moreover, they make a great way to use up the leftover veggies which always sit, forgotten, in the fridge: here’s how we make them.


You can add a touch of flavour to the cream cheese by sprinkling chives on it, or you can substitute the cream cheese with ricotta. Instead of the salmon you can use ham, speck or salami, or serve a vegetarian version by simply leaving it out.

Baking times may vary according to the vegetable you will choose to fill your roses with: potatoes, eggplants and pepper for instance, need to be cooked in advance before putting them on the pastry stripes.

You can also use other kinds of pastries, like the shortcrust, and the result will be equally delicious.

How to store Pastry Roses

These tasty appetizers can be stored in a sealed container for 1-2 days.


Rectangular puff pastry
1 sheet
cream cheese
150 g (1 1/4 cups)
Smoked salmon
100 g (3.5 oz)
Grated parmesan cheese
2 tbsp
Black pepper to taste

How to make Pastry Roses

Combine the soft cheese with the parmesan and season with pepper.

Unroll the puff pastry sheet and spread the cheese mixture uniformly.

Cut the sheet in stripes 5 cm / 2 inches wide.

Lay the salmon on each stripe.

Cut the zucchini into rounds and place them on top of the salmon, making sure that they stick out slightly from the edges.

Fold the bottom part of the stipe onto the topping, applying a light pressure.

Start rolling up each stipe onto itself, creating little roses.

Place each rose in the molds of a muffin tray and bake at 180°C / 350°F for 25 minutes.

The roses will be ready once they turn golden brown: you can serve them warm or let them cool briefly. Enjoy!

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