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Pasta Roll Ups: the recipe for a delicious and tasty main course

Total time: 1H + resting and cooking time a
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 4 people
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For pasta
re-milled semolina
1 kg
Boiling water
400 ml (1 ¾ cups)
Fine salt
For the stuffing
fiordilatte cheese
500 g
Cooked ham
350 g
Grated parmesan cheese
200 g
1,5 l (6 cups)
For the dressing
1/2 liter (2 cups)
minced meat
300 g
Peeled tomatoes
1,6 kg
Extra virgin olive oil
Fine salt

The pasta roll ups are a typical main course of the Italian tradition. The secret for this delicious recipe lies in handmade pasta, simple and genuine ingredients, a pinch of imagination and lots of love. It's a rich and tasty dish, traditionally served during holidays. The pasta roll ups are delicious and succulent small roses of fresh pasta, stuffed with bechamel, fiordilatte cheese, cooked ham and lots of grated parmesan cheese, and then baked in the oven to brown. So let’s find out how to make the perfect pasta roll ups by following our recipe step by step.

How to make Pasta Roll Ups


Make the pasta. In a bowl, collect the re-milled semolina and add the eggs and a pinch of fine salt in the center (1).


Start mixing with a wooden spoon (2).


Pour the boiling water slowly, not directly on the eggs (3).


Mix with a wooden spoon to keep from burning yourself, and then continue with your hands (4), until the mixture is firm and homogeneous. If it is too hard, continue to work the dough by wetting your hands from time to time.


Form a ball (5), cover it with a kitchen towel and let it rest for at least half an hour.


After the resting time will be elapsed, roll out the dough into a sheet about 4 mm thick (6).


Spread a layer of béchamel and then sprinkle with the finely chopped fiordilatte cheese and a generous sprinkling of grated parmesan cheese (7).


Cover with the slices of cooked ham (8).


Starting from the lower part, wrap the dough and form a roll (9).


Seal the pasta roll with aluminum foil (10), transfer it to the freezer and let it freeze for an hour. Once frozen, you can more easily cut it into slices.


Prepare the tomato sauce. Make a smooth sauce from the peeled tomatoes. Fry the chopped onion in a pan with a drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil, pour the tomato sauce, add fine salt and cook until thickened. Pour the béchamel sauce and a couple of tablespoons of tomato sauce into an ovenproof dish, then arrange the pasta rolls and cover them with more tomato sauce, a couple of tablespoons of lightly cooked minced meat, and a little grated parmesan cheese (11). Bake at 200 degrees C and cook for about 30 minutes.


When golden brown, take pasta roll ups out of the oven and let them rest for half an hour, then serve (12).

How to store Pasta Roll Ups

The pasta roll ups can be stored in the refrigerator, sealed on the surface with a sheet of transparent film, for a maximum of 1-2 days. You can also freeze them raw.

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