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Oreo lava cakes

Total time: 60 Min
Difficulty: Medium
Serves: 10 people
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Chocolate cake ingredients
3 1/2 cups
3 1/2 cups
cocoa powder
3 1/4 cups
Baking soda
1 tbsp
baking powder
3/4 tsp
1/3 tsp
1 1/2 cups
1 1/2 cups
3/4 cup
1 1/2 tsp

While chocolate lava cakes have been very popular in recent years, a new twist is now available to make an even better dessert! A super rich chocolate cake is filled with an even richer, sweeter Oreo ganache that, when served warm, melts right out of the cake. It's the most delicious lava you have ever seen! This recipe makes 24 individual lava cakes which is perfect for a party however, this recipe works just as well if cut in half. Just keep in mind that these little cakes will get eaten up quickly- you may want to stick to making the full batch every time!

  • In a mixer with a whisk attachment, combine all the dry ingredients and mix.
  • In a separate bowl, mix the buttermilk, eggs, vanilla, coffee and oil. Slowly add this mixture to the dries, scraping down the bowl as needed.
  • Scoop the batter evenly into lined cupcake pans.
  • Bake at 350 ̊F for 20 to 25 minutes or until the center of the cupcakes are firm. Set aside to cool
  • To make the ganache filling, begin by placing the white chocolate in a small bowl.
  • Put the heavy cream in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Immediately pour the hot cream over the white chocolate and whisk to combine. Add the cookie crumbles to the white chocolate filling and allow to cool until it is no longer liquid.
  • Remove the center of the cakes using an apple corer
  • Fill the holes in the cake with the Oreo ganache filling and flip the cake upside down onto a plate.
  • Microwave for 10 seconds to make the cake and center warm. Serve and enjoy!
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