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Mozzarella cheese stuffed with fried vegetables: the easy and delicious recipe

Total time: 30 Min
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 4 people
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Mozzarella cheese
500 grams
2 large
Celery stalks
Spring onions
tomato sauce
200 ml
80 grams
30 grams
Extra virgin olive oil
20 ml
1 tablespoon
1 cup
1 sprig
Toasted bread
a few slices
as much as is needed

Mozzarella cheese stuffed with fried vegetables is a surprising and decidedly enjoyable single dish. Mozzarella cheese becomes a greedy treasure chest in this recipe, ready to house the symbolic side  dish of the Sicilian gastronomic tradition, that is the vegetable caponata (a dish made of fried vegetables). Fragrant and irresistible, here is a creative and simple way of bringing a classic and always winning combination to the table. Ideal to serve on a pleasant dinner with friends.

How to prepare mozzarella cheese stuffed with caponata

Prepare the caponata cutting the celery and eggplants into cubes 1, and then also slicing the spring ​​onions.

Fry the eggplants in abundant boiling seed oil; when they are golden brown, drain them and let them dry on kitchen paper towels 2.

Meanwhile, brown the spring onions with extra virgin olive oil, add the tomato puree and celery 3 and cook for about ten minutes.

Add the vinegar 4, the sugar and the fried and well drained eggplants and cook for about 20 minutes, stirring often, on very low heat.

At the end of cooking, add the olives, capers and basil 5, season with salt and let cool.

Dig the mozzarella, so as to create a sort of "bowl" 6.

Place a slice of toast inside 7.

Stuff the mozzarella with the caponata 8.

Serve the mozzarella with the warm caponata, cutting it on the table to distribute it among the guests 9.


You can preserve the mozzarella stuffed with caponata in the refrigerator for a maximum of 1-2 days in a container with an airtight seal or covered with a sheet of transparent film. Take it out of the refrigerator a couple of hours before bringing it to the table.

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