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Minted Salmon and Pea Fishcakes: the delicious recipe you’ll love

Total time: 20 Min
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 4 people
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cooked potato
500g leftover, or ready-made mash from the supermarket
pink or red salmon
418g can, drained
Frozen peas
140g, defrosted
Large handful of fresh mint leaves, roughly chopped
tartar sauce
1 tbsp
Plain flour
3 tbsp, for dusting
light olive or vegetable oil
3 tbsp
lemon halves, to serve, optional

This is a great way to use up leftover mashed potatoes, and by adding a few ingredients you can make a tasty midweek meal with very little time and effort.

Tinned salmon is good to use for these fishcakes, and you can buy skinless and boneless tinned salmon to cut down the preparation time even further.


If you’re using leftover cooked potatoes, mash them until they are smooth.


Flake the salmon into a bowl, removing any skin and large bones. Add the peas, mint, tartare sauce and mashed potato, and season to taste.


Mix well, then, using floured hands, shape into 8 flat fishcakes. Dust with flour.


Heat the oil in a large frying pan over a medium heat.


Fry the fishcakes in 2 batches for 3-4 mins each side, turning carefully with a fish slice or spatula, until golden and crisp. Serve with a squeeze of lemon and a salad or asparagus spears.



You could make these fishcakes with tuna, or any other fish that you have in the house.

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