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Michelle Obama Shares Views On Healthy Eating And How She Helps Her Children Love Greens

When it comes to health and lifestyle, Michelle Obama is a woman ready to lead by example. The former First Lady discloses that she and her family have become naturals at practicing healthy living — and eating. For the Obamas, it is all about taking it with ease and having fun, so they still "eat the occasional French fry."


Obama boldly shares that one of her greatest indulgences is eating French fries and is never afraid to speak about it.

She says:

"Choosing a healthy diet isn't about deprivation; it's about balance. It's about moderation." 

The sterling writer further explains that she always tells her children that as long as they eat fruits and veggies at every meal, they can occasionally have their sweets.

"The problem is when the treats become the habits", Obama shares.

There is nothing more tasking than getting your kids to eat healthily, and Obama knows that as she disclosed that her secret method is giving them a choice and helping them love the process of gardening.


She says:

"One simple way to encourage kids to try new, nutritious foods is to include them in the process. Give them some choice in the matter. Find nutritious recipes they like and build up from there—Garden with them. Take them grocery shopping. Get them involved in the kitchen."

The proud mother of two explains that letting her kids cultivate fruits and vegetables has helped them incorporate healthy eating into their daily lifestyle.

Also, Obama shares that her family's dining table is a happy place as the family "really enjoys" each other's company. She explains that the short period helps her subtly monitor her children's meals, while they all connect as a family.

Therefore, she labels dinner time to not only be of great benefit to her family's health but also be a means for them to strengthen their bond each day.

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