How to Use Ice Trays: 3 Tips and Hacks to Unlock These Utensils’ Full Potential

Ice cube trays, apart from their main function of making classic ice cubes, can also unlock a number of potential and innovative uses that can make your life in the kitchen incredibly easier. Come and find out how to make homemade lemon flavored cubes, iced coffee cubes and - lastly - flavored oil cubes.

By Cookist

The freezer has revolutionized modern life, offering conveniences that range from preserving food to creating ice, and its impact is evident in every household. Alongside the freezer, numerous utensils have been designed specifically for its use, such as ice cube trays. While everyone is familiar with using ice cube trays to make ice – which, great, after all their no.1 mission is exactly that – their potential extends far beyond that simple task. There's countless of ways in which you can use the ice cube tray, and they're all as creative as they are useful. Here's three of them.

1. Lemon Flavored Ice Cubes


The first – and easiest – hack we're offering you is that of making homemade lemon flavored ice cubes. The method is incredibly straightforward: all you'll need is an ice cube tray, some water and a couple of lemons (possibly, the juiciest ones you can find). All you have to do is slice your lemons and then, from the slices, obtain small wedges that you'll place in each tray of your ice cube. Then, you'll fill those cubes with water until the lemon cloves are submerged. That's it. Once those are frozen, you'll have on your hands lemon flavored ice cubes that will enrich a number of your drinks – from water to cola to cocktails!

2. Iced Coffee Cubes


The second trick we're here to show you revolves around homemade iced coffee cubes. Let's face it: iced coffee is extremely expensive, and sometimes it can fall flat, or won't hit that sweet spot you crave, because not everyone knows how you take your coffee in the morning – except, well, you! So, to always have the perfect iced coffee flavor, here's what you need: coffee grounds, a coffee maker and an ice cube tray. Once you've made your coffee, let it cool to room temperature at least, then pour a little amount in each tray, until it's almost full. Freeze the ice cube tray and voilà! Now, whenever you'll be craving an iced coffee, all you'll have to do is open the freezer and reach for those cubes you've got ready, and use them to flavor a cup of cold milk – full-fat, cow's, soy milk or other plant based milks. And enjoy it, of course!

3. Flavored Oil Cubes


Flavored oils are pretty expensive – despite being really easy to make at home. In case you don't have time to go through all of that, however, we present to you our last trick for the day: flavored oil cubes (which is also an excellent way to store aromatic herbs like parsley or basil). For this trick you'll need parsley, basil and, obviously, olive oil. First you'll need to obtain several small tufts of both the herbs, which will then be placed in each tray on your ice cube tray. Then, you'll have to submerge those in olive oil and let them freeze. When you'll be needing to heat oil in a pan with some herbs – or even if you want to add a little kick more to your recipes – you'll have to reach for those cubes and place them in a pan. And all of your dishes will have that secret gourmet touch that will make everyone either ask for the recipe or reach for a second serving.

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