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How to Reheat a Chicken Pot Pie: The 3 Best Ways to Keep Its Flavor Intact

To reheat a chicken pot pie and keep it as tasty as day one, the oven is your best bet for a crispy crust and warm filling; the microwave works in a pinch but can make the crust soggy, while the stovetop method offers a good alternative. Read ahead to find out how to reheat your pot pie back to its warm perfection!


As the nights get longer and chillier, few things feel as comforting as a warm, steaming chicken pot pie. There's something about breaking through that golden crust, only to be met with savory filling that just warms you from the inside out. But let’s face it, you don’t always have time to bake a fresh one. Whether it’s frozen for future dinners or leftover from last night’s feast, reheating your chicken pot pie so it tastes just as good as day one is key. So, how do you make sure it stays as delicious as the first bite?

The Best Way to Reheat a Chicken Pot Pie (The Oven)

If you want your chicken pot pie to come out tasting as fresh as possible, the oven is your best friend. This method ensures that the crust stays flaky and golden while the inside gets nice and warm without drying out. To reheat leftovers or a frozen pie, preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). For leftovers, simply cover your pie with aluminum foil and bake for about 15–20 minutes, checking to make sure it's heated through. If you're working with a frozen pie, it will need longer—about 30–35 minutes should do the trick. The foil is your secret weapon here—it traps moisture inside while letting the crust crisp up. Want a pro tip? Remove the foil for the last 5 minutes to get that crust irresistibly crispy.


Can You Reheat Chicken Pot Pie in the Microwave?

In a hurry? You’re probably wondering if the microwave can save the day. The answer is yes, but with caution. Microwaving your chicken pot pie is the fastest option, but it’s not always the best for the texture. The microwave can make your pie a little soggy, especially when it comes to that beautiful crust. Here’s how you can minimize that: start by cutting the pie into smaller pieces. Place them in a microwave-safe dish, and cover with a damp paper towel. Microwave on medium power for 2–3 minutes, checking as you go to ensure it heats evenly. The paper towel trick helps prevent the pie from drying out, but it won’t keep the crust crispy. Still, for a quick and easy reheat, it gets the job done.

How to Reheat A Chicken Pot Pie on The Stovetop

Surprisingly, you can also reheat your chicken pot pie on the stovetop. While not the most conventional method, it works well for those who don’t want to use an oven or microwave. The trick here is to use a non-stick skillet. Place the pie slices in the skillet on medium-low heat, cover with a lid, and let it reheat slowly. The lid traps steam inside to heat the filling evenly, while the skillet helps crisp up the bottom of the crust. You’ll want to flip the slices once or twice to prevent burning and ensure even heating. It’s a bit more hands-on but can give you a nice crust and warm filling without drying out your pie.


Can You Reheat Chicken Pot Pie More Than Once?

Now for the big question—can you reheat chicken pot pie more than once? Technically, yes. But should you? Not really. The more you reheat it, the more you risk losing both flavor and texture. Each reheating cycle dries out the filling and crust, and you start getting diminishing returns in deliciousness. If you can, try to reheat only what you plan to eat at one time. If you end up with a lot of leftovers, portion it out before storing it, so you can avoid multiple reheats. It’ll taste better, and you’ll keep the texture intact as much as possible.

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