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How to Make Pancakes in a Microwave Oven

Total time: 5 Min
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 2 people
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Want pancakes but don’t have a stove? No problem!

These microwave pancakes only take minutes to make, and you can keep the washing up to a minimum because they can be made and eaten on the same plate – or even in a mug!



1/2 tablespoon
Plain flour
5 tablespoons (100g)
1 large
1 tablespoon (approx. you may need more if the batter is extremely thick)
olive/vegetable oil
1 tablespoon (optional)
Pinch of salt, to taste
Maple syrup
3 tablespoons (optional); for a sweeter pancake, mix maple syrup into the batter


Cooking Pancakes on a Plate

Step 1

Mix flour, egg, butter, and milk. Whisk the egg and half the milk in a bowl. Gradually add the flour to make a smooth, thick batter. Beat throughout until there are no more lumps, then add the remaining milk. It's important that your batter is quite thick so that the mixture doesn't run everywhere, but if it’s too thick to work with, add a little more milk.

Step 2

Brush a plate with butter to keep the pancake from sticking to it. A thin coat should suffice, but use more if you like. You may also consider using margarine, olive/vegetable oil, or a non-stick cooking spray.

Step 3

Pour about 3/4 cup of pancake mix onto the plate. The size of the pancake depends on the size of your plate, but be aware that larger pancakes will take longer to cook.

Step 4

Put the plate in the microwave for 60 seconds. Adjust the time if you know that your microwave is more or less powerful than 800w. If the pancake is still runny, heat it for another ten seconds, but don't get carried away. There's no grill involved, so your pancake won't brown. If you do overcook your pancake, it will become dry and hard.

Step 5

Repeat to make more.

Place the cooked pancake onto a clean plate. If the cooking plate is still well-greased with butter, then pour another dollop of pancake batter onto the first plate. If not, then spread more butter as needed to ensure that the next pancake doesn't stick. Cook the second pancake for one minute or until it is no longer runny. Repeat until you have as many pancakes as you want.

Serve with a syrup of your choice.

Making Pancakes in a Mug

Step 1

This may sound rather weird, but consider making your pancakes in mugs. The cooking time is a little longer than when cooking with a plate, but not much. It will be easier to make a lot of pancakes quickly using a plate, but a mug can give you a novel, single-serving pancake.

Step 2

Fill a mug about 1/4 or 1/3 full of flour or pre-prepared pancake mix. Pour water into the mug (about half a mug's worth) until the mixture becomes a paste of medium thickness. Mix with a teaspoon until the consistency is smooth. You can add more water if the mixture is too thick, and more flour/pancake mix if the mixture is too thin.

Step 3

Put the mug in the microwave for about 90 seconds. The pancake is fully cooked when there is no runny mixture left in the mug. If the mix is still runny, then microwave the mug for 30 seconds longer.

Step 4

Pour toppings directly into the mug, then eat with a fork. Drizzle syrup, sugar, or butter into the mug, and enjoy!

Serving Microwave Pancakes

Step 1

Make your pancakes, and put toppings on them. If you have a sweet tooth, choose sugar, syrup, Nutella, and/or whipped cream, as well as fresh fruit and chopped nuts. Spread your pancake with butter for a rich but simple meal.

Consider using ham, cheese, and other savory toppings for a heartier pancake experience.

You can microwave bacon to accompany your pancake. To cook bacon in the microwave, lay two paper towels on a plate. Place the bacon strips across the plate and add another paper towel on top. Blast your bacon for three and a half minutes and you've got a meaty pancake topping.


* To make a larger amount of pancakes, simply double or treble the ingredients to give you more mix.

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