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How to Make Juicy (And Portioned) Meatballs Using Only a Spoon

Making juicy, evenly sized meatballs can be tricky, but the meatball spoon is here to help: this handy tool shapes perfectly round meatballs minus the sticky mess. And not only that! The spoon works for cookies, falafel, and more—anything that needs to be round.


Making the perfect meatball can be a surprisingly tricky endeavor. Whether it’s getting them to be the same size or ensuring they cook evenly, there’s a lot that can go wrong. And let’s not forget the mess—your hands end up covered in sticky meat mixture, leaving you to awkwardly juggle between rolling meatballs and cleaning up. But what if I told you there’s a simple kitchen tool that can change the game and keep your hands clean? Enter the meatball spoon, a nifty utensil that not only helps you make perfectly shaped meatballs but does so without all the hassle.

The Magic of the Meatball Spoon

The meatball spoon is your new secret weapon for consistent, juicy meatballs. It’s designed to scoop out just the right amount of meat mixture and form it into a neat, even ball without needing to use your hands. All you need to do is mix your ingredients—ground meat, cheese, garlic, the works—then use the spoon to portion out the mixture. This ensures all your meatballs are the same size, which is essential for even cooking. The beauty of it? You won’t have one oversized meatball that’s still raw in the middle while the smaller ones are overcooked. Instead, you’ll get perfectly browned meatballs every time. Plus, no sticky hands means less time washing up and more time enjoying your meal!


How to Care for Your Meatball Spoon

Like all good tools, your meatball spoon needs a bit of love and care to keep it in top condition. After each use, give it a good wash with warm, soapy water, paying close attention to any nooks where meat could get stuck. Some meatball spoons are dishwasher-safe, but be sure to check the manufacturer’s guidelines before tossing it in. Once clean, make sure to dry it thoroughly to prevent rust, especially if it’s made of metal. If it’s a wooden spoon, avoid soaking it too long, as this could cause it to warp over time. Store it in a cool, dry place, away from heat and humidity, and you’ll be able to rely on this trusty utensil for years to come.

Can The Spoon Be Used Only for Meatballs?

While the meatball spoon’s primary function is—obviously—making meatballs, its versatility doesn’t end there. You can use it to portion out cookie dough, ensuring each cookie is the same size for even baking. It’s also great for scooping out mashed potatoes or rice into perfect, presentable portions, adding a touch of finesse to your plating. If you’re feeling adventurous, try using it to shape falafel or vegetarian patties, proving once again that this humble spoon is more than a one-trick pony. Basically, if it needs to be round, this spoon’s got it covered.

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