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How Long Will Tiger Flour Last if Stored Properly (And Unproperly)

Tiger nut flour has recently gained popularity as a gluten-free option in recipes both for savory and sweet dishes. When left unopened and stored correctly, it can last up to 12 months; once it's opened, it should be consumed within 6 months at best. Be sure to store it correctly, otherwise there's the risk that it might spoil and go rancid before its time. Before using it, always make a small taste test.

By Cookist

Tiger nuts, also known as earth almonds or chufa, have been gaining popularity worldwide due to their versatility and health benefits. From these tiny tubers, we can create a variety of products such as tiger nut flour and milk, which are being incorporated into an increasing number of recipes. As with any ingredient in our kitchens, it’s essential to understand how long they will last.

What is a Tiger Nut and How Is It Used in the Kitchen?

Tiger nuts are not actually nuts but small root vegetables that have been cultivated for centuries. Originating from Africa and the Mediterranean, they are celebrated for their high fiber content, vitamins, and minerals. Tiger nuts can be consumed raw, roasted, or as a flour, which is often used in gluten-free and paleo diets. The flour, made by grinding dried tiger nuts, is a fantastic alternative to traditional flours, bringing a subtly sweet and nutty flavor to baked goods, smoothies, and even savory dishes.


How Long Does Unopened Tiger Nut Flour Last?

When stored correctly, an unopened package of tiger nut flour can last quite a while. The key is to keep it in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Ideally, it should be stored in an airtight container. Under these conditions, unopened tiger nut flour can last up to 12 months. This extended shelf life is due to the flour's low moisture content, which helps prevent the growth of mold and bacteria.

How Long Does Opened Tiger Nut Flour Last?

Once opened, the shelf life of tiger nut flour decreases due to exposure to air and potential contaminants. To maximize its longevity, it should be transferred to an airtight container and kept in a cool, dry place. Refrigeration can also help extend its shelf life. Under these optimal storage conditions, opened tiger nut flour can last up to 6 months. It’s crucial to always use clean utensils when scooping the flour to avoid introducing moisture or bacteria.


What Happens to Tiger Nut Flour When Stored Incorrectly?

Exposure to moisture can lead to mold growth, while heat can cause the natural oils in the flour to go rancid. Additionally, storing the flour in a place with strong odors can lead to the absorption of those smells, affecting its taste. Incorrectly stored flour might develop a sour or off smell and an unusual taste, indicating that it has gone bad.

What Happens If You Use Expired Tiger Nut Flour?

Using expired tiger nut flour might not necessarily make you sick, but it can result in subpar culinary results. The flour may lose its flavor, making your recipes taste bland or off. Additionally, expired flour might not perform well in baking, leading to changes in texture and consistency. While it's generally not recommended to use any expired food products, a small taste test can help determine if the flour is still usable. If it smells and tastes fine, it might still be safe to use, but caution is advised.

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