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Honey Pan Rolls: the simple recipe for amazing dinner rolls

Total time: 40 Min
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 6 people
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For the rolls
Whole Milk
1 cup
egg yolk
vegetable oil
1/2 cup
2 tbsp
Kosher Salt
1 1/2 teaspoons
Bread flour
3 1/2 cups
Active Dry Yeast
2 1/4 teaspoons
For the honey glaze
1/3 cup
butter, melted
2 tbsp
1 tbsp
egg white

These gorgeous homemade honey butter rolls are the perfect way to up your side dish game. Soft, fluffy, and golden brown, these dinner rolls are lavishly glazed with a simple but delicious honey butter. This recipe is fairly similar to your classic dinner rolls, but the addition of milk, honey, and egg, renders them richer and lighter. If you're hosting friends or family over for dinner, honey butter rolls are a perfect easy side that's sure to impress.

Tips for Making Honey Butter Rolls

  • Make sure your milk is warm. This will help the yeast to activate. Aim for about 110°F. Definitely don't go over 120°F, as this will kill the yeast.
  • Dry yeast is more effective than fresh yeast for this particular recipe – it'll give you fluffier rolls.
  • While you can swap out whole milk for skim options, the rolls won't be as soft. Low-fat milk options will make these rolls much chewier. Use whole milk when you can.

How to Make Honey Butter Rolls


Preheat your oven to 350°F. Pour the milk, yeast, and sugar into a stand mixer and stir to combine. Let stand for 10 minutes so the yeast can activate. Set the mixer to low. Add the eggs, butter, honey, and salt. Switch the speed to medium, and gradually add the flour. The dough should be supple and slightly sticky.


Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface. Punch it down, cover with a damp towel, and allow to rest for 10 minutes. While the dough rests, lightly spray a baking tray with cooking spray. Using a sharp knife or bench scraper, cut the dough into 24 equal sections. Shape them into balls, then place the rolls on the baking tray.


Cover and let rest in a warm area for 30 minutes or until doubled in size.


Sprinkle the surface of the rolls well with honey butter glaze using a kitchen brush.


Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until the rolls turn golden brown.

How to Make Honey Butter Glaze for Rolls


In a medium bowl, combine sugar, butter, honey, and egg white. Once the rolls are out of the oven, brush them with the honey glaze. Serve any leftovers as a spread.


  • Before you get started, don't forget to attach your dough hook to the stand mixer.
  • If you don't have a stand mixer, you can make these tasty honey rolls by hand.
  • You can use a bread machine as well – just pop all the ingredients into your machine and set it to the Dough cycle.
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