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Here’s Why You Should Never Put Your Silicone Baking Mat in The Dishwasher (Even if You Think You Can!)

Silicone mats are technically dishwasher safe, but it's best not to clean them this way. They don't dry properly, obstruct water flow leading to uneven cleaning, risk damage from contact with sharp objects, and may sit dirty in the dishwasher until the next cycle. Hand washing with mild soap and warm water ensures thorough cleaning and prolongs their lifespan.

By Cookist

Silicone mats have become a popular kitchen accessory due to their non-stick properties and versatility. After using them, it's tempting to toss them into the dishwasher for a quick clean. While they are technically dishwasher safe, putting them in the dishwasher might only damage them in the long run. Here are the reasons why:

Ineffective Drying

Silicone mats often don't get dried properly in the dishwasher. Their non-porous surface can trap water, leaving them wet and requiring additional drying time after the dishwasher cycle is complete. This can be inconvenient and may lead to mold or mildew growth if not addressed promptly.


Obstructed Water Flow

To fit silicone mats in the dishwasher, they typically need to be rolled up or placed horizontally. This positioning can block the water flow, leading to uneven cleaning. The detergent and water might not reach all parts of the mat, leaving some areas dirty or with residue. As a result, the cleaning process becomes less effective, and you might have to wash them again by hand.

Potential Contact with Sharp Objects

Silicone mats can come into contact with sharp objects like knives or utensils in the dishwasher. This contact can damage the mats, causing cuts or tears that compromise their non-stick properties and overall usability. Keeping them separate from such items is difficult in a crowded dishwasher, increasing the risk of damage.


Delayed Cleaning Cycles

Silicone mats often stay in the dishwasher until you run a full cycle, which sometimes might not happen for a day or more. Prolonged exposure to food residues can lead to stubborn stains and unpleasant odors. Immediate cleaning is essential to maintain their quality and hygiene, which is not always feasible with dishwasher delays.

Let's Face It…Hand Washing is Best

Hand washing silicone mats is the best way to ensure their longevity and cleanliness. Using mild soap and warm water, you can thoroughly clean and dry them immediately, avoiding the issues associated with dishwasher use. Hand washing allows you to inspect the mats for any damage and ensures they are ready for their next use without the risk of lingering dirt or odors. Taking a few extra minutes to wash them by hand will keep your silicone mats in top condition for years to come.

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