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Here Are The Reasons Why You Should Never Eat Ice Cream Before Going to Sleep

While ice cream is a delightful treat, eating it before bed can disrupt sleep due to its high sugar and dairy content, causing blood sugar spikes, digestive discomfort, and increased energy. Experts recommend waiting 2-3 hours after eating ice cream before sleeping to avoid these issues. The best time to enjoy ice cream is in the afternoon, allowing for proper digestion.

By Cookist

Ice cream is the perfect snack and also the perfect end to any meal, especially during summer or when the temperatures are high, and you crave that refreshing sensation. Have you ever fallen victim to it? Getting that spoon out while watching a movie in the evening and eating straight from the pint? That's heaven. Or maybe not, because that could actually be very bad for your sleep, or so experts say.

Why It's Best to Avoid Ice Cream Before Bed

One of the main reasons why eating ice cream before bed can be detrimental to your sleep is due to its high sugar content. Dr. Michael Breus, a clinical psychologist and board-certified sleep specialist, explains that consuming sugar late at night can lead to a spike in blood sugar levels, followed by a crash. This fluctuation can disrupt your sleep cycle, making it harder for you to fall and stay asleep. The sudden energy boost from sugar can keep your brain active when it should be winding down, leading to restless nights and reduced sleep quality.

How Does Ice Cream's Dairy Impact Your Digestion?

Another factor to consider is the dairy content in ice cream. Dairy products can be challenging to digest, especially for those who are lactose intolerant or sensitive. Eating ice cream before bed can lead to digestive discomfort, including bloating, gas, and even heartburn. These symptoms can make it difficult to get comfortable and fall asleep. Dr. Frank Lipman, a pioneer in integrative medicine, notes that consuming dairy late at night can exacerbate these issues, leading to a less restful sleep experience.


Ice cream is also high in calories and fat, which can take longer for your body to digest. Eating a high-calorie snack before bed means your body will be working hard to digest it while you sleep, potentially leading to disturbances in your sleep cycle. According to nutritionist Lisa Richards, author of "The Candida Diet," consuming high-fat foods close to bedtime can interfere with the body's natural overnight processes, including the release of growth hormones and the body's ability to repair and restore itself.

What Are The Side Effects of Late-Night Ice Cream?

The immediate side effects of indulging in ice cream before bed can include disrupted sleep, digestive discomfort, and potential weight gain over time. The sugar rush can lead to insomnia or fragmented sleep, while the fat and calories can contribute to unwanted pounds if this becomes a regular habit. Additionally, the potential for acid reflux increases when lying down shortly after eating, which can cause discomfort and further disrupt sleep.

How Long Should You Wait to Sleep After Eating Ice Cream?

Experts recommend waiting at least two to three hours after eating before going to bed. This allows your body ample time to digest the food, reducing the risk of discomfort and sleep disturbances. Dr. Mark Hyman, a functional medicine practitioner, advises that giving your body this digestion window can help ensure a more restful and uninterrupted sleep.


What to Do If You Eat Ice Cream at Night

If you find yourself unable to resist the lure of late-night ice cream, there are a few steps you can take to mitigate its impact on your sleep. Opt for a smaller portion to reduce the sugar and calorie intake. Choose lighter, lower-fat options or even dairy-free alternatives that might be easier on your digestive system. Engage in light activities, such as a short walk, to help kickstart digestion before heading to bed. Additionally, drinking a glass of water can help dilute the sugar in your bloodstream and ease digestion.

The Best Times of Day to Enjoy Ice Cream

To enjoy ice cream without compromising your sleep, consider consuming it earlier in the day. Mid-afternoon is an excellent time to indulge, as your body will have ample time to process the sugar and calories before bedtime. Alternatively, enjoying ice cream as a post-lunch dessert can satisfy your sweet tooth while still allowing plenty of time for digestion.

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