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Hangry: Why Do We Get Cranky When We’re Hungry?

Hangry is more than just a funny mashup of “hungry” and “angry”—it’s a real response from our bodies when fuel runs low! Discover what happens when hunger messes with our mood and learn simple tricks to stop hanger in its tracks before it strikes.


Hangry is genuinely the human body's reaction to hunger. When we’re hungry, our blood sugar drops, which can lead to irritability, frustration, and even anger. The body responds to low blood sugar by releasing stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, which can make us feel tense and on edge. Add to that a grumbling stomach, and it’s no wonder we feel short-tempered!

When we go too long without eating, our brain starts running low on glucose, its main source of energy. Without enough fuel, it struggles to manage emotions and keep stress in check, which is why we might find ourselves feeling short-tempered and irritable – that classic hangry feeling.

Interestingly, some people are more prone to hanger than others. Our tendency to get hangry can depend on various factors, like our metabolism, typical eating habits, and even how stressed or tired we are. These elements influence how our body responds to hunger, making some of us quicker to feel the effects of low blood sugar than others.


The Science Behind the Hunger-Anger Connection

When our bodies are low on fuel, they respond by trying to get us to eat – fast. But in the meantime, a lack of glucose for the brain can make us more emotionally reactive. According to studies, hanger is linked to certain brain processes:

  • Glucose and self-control: Glucose helps fuel parts of the brain responsible for regulating emotions and decision-making. Without it, we’re more likely to react impulsively.
  • Hormonal responses: Low blood sugar causes a rise in cortisol and adrenaline, which amps up stress levels and makes us more irritable.

So, if you’ve ever felt ragey over something small before a meal, there’s actual science behind it!

Tips to Avoid Getting Hangry

No one wants to be around someone who’s hangry, least of all ourselves! Here are a few tips to keep the hanger away:

  • Eat regular meals: Avoid skipping meals to keep your blood sugar steady.
  • Carry a snack: A handful of nuts, a piece of fruit, or some whole-grain crackers can save the day when you feel hunger coming on.
  • Stay hydrated: Dehydration can mimic feelings of hunger, so keep a bottle of water handy.
  • Include protein and fibre: Foods with protein and fibre help you feel fuller for longer and prevent rapid sugar spikes and crashes.

So the next time you feel yourself turning into a hangry monster, remember – a quick snack might just save the day (and your relationships)!

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