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Grapes: 13 properties and benefits

Grape is the fruit of the vine composed of many grapes that form the bunch. It is mainly divided into white grapes and black grapes and, depending on the use, we have grapes to eat, grapes to make wine and raisin.


Grapes are rich in antioxidants and help to regulate the intestine, thanks to its laxative properties. They also strengthen the immune system and help prevent tumors. Let's discover all the properties of the grapes!

Grape is the fruit of the vine composed of many grapes that form the bunch. It is mainly divided into white grapes and black grapes and, depending on the use, we have grapes to eat, grapes to make wine and raisin.

Beneficial properties of grapes

1. Grapes are antioxidant: the antioxidant properties of grapes are to be found mainly in seeds and peel rich in an important phenol, the resveratrol that fights the harmful effects of free radicals and manages to activate three genes responsible for longevity. It also helps to keep bad cholesterol (LDL) levels under control.


2. Grapes are  laxative: grapes contain fiber and fatty acids that provide light laxative properties useful to fight constipation. In case of diarrhea, also the leaves of the grapes boiled in water for one hour may be useful. The infusion must be filtered and you can drink up to two glasses a day.


3. Grapes prevent tumors: thanks to its antioxidant properties, grapes prevent tumors especially thanks to quercetin and resveratrol. Antioxidants also help to cleanse the liver.


4. Grapes are a panacea for skin diseases: the grape contains vitamins, such as B3, which provide an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action, also useful in cases of acne. Vitamin B1, on the other hand, helps in the healing process and B2 provides an antioxidant action by counteracting free radicals responsible for cell aging.


5. Grapes lower blood pressure: grapes contain a lot of potassium and little sodium, thus stimulating diuresis, a  quite useful thing for those suffering from hypertension but also from kidney disease.


6. Grapes prevent osteoporosis: the grapes are rich in important mineral salts such as calcium, copper and iron, in addition to boron, another fundamental element because it facilitates the absorption of calcium in the bones, preventing osteoporosis. The grapes are also recommended for those suffering from arthritis and rheumatic pains.


7. Grapes give energy and strengthen the immune system: grapes, especially the black ones, are useful in case of exhaustion because it contains quercetin, a flavonoid important for its antioxidant properties which can also give a lot of energy. Melatonin, on the other hand, helps regulate circadian rhythms so it is useful in times of stress or after the holidays. In addition, the vitamins contained in the grapes (including vitamin K) help to strengthen the immune system protecting us from seasonal illnesses. Furthermore, resveratrol has also an antifungal action.


8. Grapes are useful against varicose veins: the grapes, especially the black ones, have astringent properties useful for those suffering from capillary fragility, hemorrhoids and venous insufficiency especially in the legs. Its astringent properties are also useful in case of bleeding.


9. Grapes prevent degenerative diseases: eating grapes helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels helping to prevent degenerative diseases thanks to its antioxidant power.


10. Grapes help the heart: eating grapes also protects the heart and prevents cardiovascular disease because it prevents the formation of accumulations, fluidifying the blood and avoiding clots in the arteries.


11. Grapes have antacid properties: after a large meal you can benefit from the antacid properties of this fruit: a good bunch of grapes helps to avoid heartburn.


12. Grapes are useful in case of anemia and gout: grapes contain iron useful in case of anemia and deficiencies of this mineral salt. They can also be useful in case of gout, especially grape juice that helps eliminate uric acid.


13. Grapes can help you lose weight: as we have seen, grapes contains many simple sugars, and within a low-calorie diet it is certainly more appropriate to utilize the white grape that contains less sugar. Then there is the grape diet or grape treatment (ampelotherapy), a kind of detoxifying and purifying treatment that would also help to lose excess fluids. It is done for a few days, at most three, and it consists in eating grapes as the only daily food starting with half a kilo up to two kilos a day.


Grape treatment can also be useful to overcome periods of convalescence but also during pregnancy and in cases of exhaustion and asthenia. Obviously it is a treatment to be done under medical supervision, avoiding the do-it-yourself.

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