Galette de Rois, also known as King's Cake, is a cake that is commonly made for Epiphany, the twelfth day after Christmas. It is basically puff pastry that has been assembled with a creamy filling that includes almonds, butter, sugar, flour, and egg. Whether you plan to serve this for dessert on Epiphany or would like to make it for any other day, it will likely become a favorite.
To make it, you make a creamy mixture by mixing almond flour with butter, powdered sugar, egg, and flour. Then, you make a custard on the stove with milk, egg yolks, flour, sugar, and vanilla. After that, the filling gets spread on top of one round of puff pastry before being topped with another circle of puff pastry. It is then sealed at the edges and baked until golden brown. The resulting dessert is flaky with a creamy filling, and is utterly delicious!
It usually includes a frangipane filling, but cream-based or chocolate fillings are common as well. This version includes a creamy filling that pays homage to frangipane as it has ground almonds in it, which is an ingredient in frangipane.
This galette des rois recipe can simply be served on its own with your favorite hot beverage for dessert. The creamy filling and sweet nature of the pastry means it doesn’t need any whipped cream or icing sugar to make it memorable.
Yes, you can vary the galette des rois recipe according to your tastes. Often, galette des rois is baked with a fava bean inside it to represent the birth of Jesus Christ. Feel free to add this to your version of galette des rois if you would like to take on this tradition. Some versions of galette des rois also include garnishes such as coarse sugar or dried fruit, which make wonderful, colorful additions to the cake.
Galette des Rois is most commonly eaten in France, but it is also enjoyed in other countries such as Belgium, Germany, the UK, and the United States.
It is common to score the top of galette des rois into a decorative design, but it isn’t necessary. However, if you would like to make this similar to traditional galette des rois, scoring the top with a blade is a good idea.
This galette des rois recipe should be tightly covered and stored in the fridge, where it will keep for up to 3 or 4 days.
Step 1: For the cream, in a mixing bowl, beat the butter with the powdered sugar until combined. Beat in the egg followed by the almond flour and 00 flour. For the custard, beat the eggs with the vanilla and sugar until combined. Beat in the flour. Whisk the egg mixture into the warm milk, and allow it to cook on the stove until thickened.
Step 1: For the cream, in a mixing bowl, beat the butter with the powdered sugar until combined. Beat in the egg followed by the almond flour and 00 flour. For the custard, beat the eggs with the vanilla and sugar until combined. Beat in the flour. Whisk the egg mixture into the warm milk, and allow it to cook on the stove until thickened.
Step 2: Stir the custard into the cream mixture. To assemble, cut the puff pastry into two even-sized circles. Place one on a parchment-lined baking sheet and brush it with egg wash around the edges.
Step 2: Stir the custard into the cream mixture. To assemble, cut the puff pastry into two even-sized circles. Place one on a parchment-lined baking sheet and brush it with egg wash around the edges.
Step 3: Place the other circle on top, crimp the edges to seal them, brush it with egg wash (egg yolk with some milk), and score the top. Bake it in a 180 C (360 F) oven until golden, about 25 minutes.
Step 3: Place the other circle on top, crimp the edges to seal them, brush it with egg wash (egg yolk with some milk), and score the top. Bake it in a 180 C (360 F) oven until golden, about 25 minutes.
Step 4: Allow the galette des rois to cool before serving.
Step 4: Allow the galette des rois to cool before serving.