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Easy Puff Pastry Potato Tart: a Recipe for a Crunchy, Savory and Tasteful Side Dish!

Total time: 15 min prep/35 min bake
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 4-6
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Craving focaccia but short on time? Puff pastry to the rescue! Focaccia, the beloved Italian flatbread, is known for its airy crumb and crispy, golden crust. While traditional focaccia requires time for dough development, what if you could enjoy a similar experience with minimal effort? Enter the Potato Puff Pastry Tart! This ingenious recipe transforms store-bought puff pastry into a stunning main course, light lunch, or impressive appetizer. Perfect for casual gatherings as a tasty appetizer, it's surprisingly quick and easy to whip up. Simply add a layer of cheese, shredded zucchini, and bacon on top of a sheet of puff pastry. Top with another layer of puff pastry, then finish off with a layer of thinly sliced potatoes. Once baked, the ‘focaccia’ becomes golden and crispy. The dish is not only tasty but also quick to make. In no time, you'll be enjoying a warm, flaky "focaccia" that's bursting with flavor and texture.

What Is Puff Pastry ‘Focaccia’?

Puff pastry "focaccia" is a creative twist on the classic Italian flatbread. Unlike traditional focaccia made with yeast dough, this version uses a shortcut – store-bought puff pastry. This eliminates the need for kneading and rising, making it a much faster option. It borrows elements from focaccia, like the flavor of olive oil and the crispy crust of the pastry. Additionally, the toppings are inspired by focaccia variations that often include vegetables, herbs, and sometimes cheese.

Puff pastry "focaccia" is a faster and more approachable way to enjoy the flavors and textures you love about focaccia. It's perfect for busy weeknights or when you crave a comforting, savory dish without the commitment of making traditional dough.


  • Ensure your puff pastry is fully thawed but still cold for easier handling. Don't let it get too soft or it will lose its flakiness.
  • Lightly flour your work surface and rolling pin to prevent sticking. Roll out the puff pastry to a slightly larger size than your baking dish, aiming for a 1/4-inch thickness.
  • Slice your potatoes very thinly, ideally using a mandoline slicer for even results. This ensures they cook through quickly alongside the other ingredients.
  • Choose a cheese that melts well, like mozzarella, fontina, or Gruyere. You can also use a mix for a more complex flavor.
  • Fry your bacon until crispy and crumble it before adding it to the top of the focaccia.
  • Don't skimp on salt and pepper! Season the vegetables and cheese generously for maximum flavor throughout the dish.

What Are the Best Potatoes to Use for This Recipe?

The best types of potatoes to use for this recipe are waxy potatoes, such as Yukon Gold or Red potatoes. These varieties hold their shape well when sliced and baked, ensuring a nice texture on top of the puff pastry.

Can I Add Other Herbs To This Recipe?

Yes! Fresh herbs like chopped rosemary, thyme, or chives can be sprinkled over the top for an extra layer of flavor. Add them towards the end of baking to preserve their freshness.

Are There Ways To Make It More Decadent?

Absolutely! Drizzle a balsamic glaze over the top after baking for a sweet and tangy contrast. You could also use a richer cheese like fontina or Gruyere instead of mozzarella.

How Can I Make It Vegan?

For a vegan option, use vegan cheese alternatives and omit the bacon. You can also add roasted chickpeas or chopped nuts for extra protein and texture.

Do I Need To Precook The Potatoes?

No, thinly slicing the potatoes ensures they cook through along with the rest of the ingredients during baking.

More Recipes for a Tasty Lunch

Cherry Tomatoes and Olives Focaccia

Rosemary Potato Mini Focaccias

Cheesy Focaccia in a Pan

No-Knead Soft Focaccia

Focaccia Sandwich

How To Store Puff Pastry ‘Focaccia’

Store leftover puff pastry focaccia in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. Reheat in a toaster oven or oven to restore its crispness.


2 potatoes
2 zucchini
2 rolls of puff pastry
8 slices of cheese
Extra virgin olive oil
bacon cubes
dry oregano

How To Make Puff Pastry ‘Focaccia’

Start by thinly slicing your potatoes.

Next, grate your zucchini using the coarse side of a box grater. Set both the sliced potatoes and grated zucchini aside for now.

Unroll the thawed puff pastry dough onto a lightly floured cutting board.

Create a base of flavor by arranging cheese slices evenly over the puff pastry surface.

Sprinkle the grated zucchini over the cheese layer. Season generously with salt to enhance all the flavors.

Scatter the chopped bacon cubes on top of the zucchini.

Finish the first layer with a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese.

Top with another layer of puff pastry. Press the edges of the dough firmly to create a sealed package. This will prevent the filling from escaping while baking.

Arrange the sliced potatoes on top of the sealed puff pastry.

Drizzle the potato layer generously with olive oil. Sprinkle with dried oregano and Parmesan cheese. Bake at 190°C (374°F) for 35 minutes until the puff pastry is golden brown and the filling is cooked through.

After 35 minutes, remove the baked "focaccia" from the oven and let it cool slightly before cutting into slices. Serve warm.

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