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Does Soy Sauce Need to Be Stored in The Fridge?

Soy sauce, a versatile condiment, can be stored at room temperature due to its fermentation and high salt content, which prevent spoilage. However, refrigerating it helps maintain flavor, especially for infrequent use. Unopened soy sauce is safe at room temperature, but opened bottles last longer and stay fresher if refrigerated.

By Cookist

Soy sauce is one of those indispensable condiments, enhancing dishes with its umami-rich flavor and serving as a versatile marinade ingredient. Found in every grocery store, it’s commonly sold in the shelf-stable aisles, either in plastic bottles or tiny glass ones. This availability might lead you to think it can be stored at room temperature, both opened and unopened. However, the truth is a bit more nuanced.

How is Soy Sauce Made, Exactly?

To understand whether soy sauce needs refrigeration, it’s essential to know how it’s made. Soy sauce is traditionally brewed through a fermentation process involving soybeans, wheat, salt, and water. This process not only imparts its distinctive taste but also creates a condiment with a relatively long shelf life. The high salt content acts as a natural preservative, inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria and molds. As a result, both unopened and opened soy sauce can remain stable for a considerable time without immediate refrigeration.


When You Should Refrigerate Soy Sauce (And When You Shouldn't)

Despite its robust shelf stability, there are scenarios where refrigerating soy sauce is advisable. For instance, if you’re using a naturally brewed soy sauce with no added preservatives, refrigeration can help maintain its quality and flavor over time. Moreover, for those who don't use soy sauce frequently, storing it in the fridge can prevent flavor degradation that might occur at room temperature over several months. On the flip side, if you consume soy sauce regularly, and it doesn’t stay in your pantry long, leaving it at room temperature is perfectly fine.

What Happens If I Leave My Soy Sauce Out of The Fridge?

So, what happens if you leave soy sauce out of the fridge? The good news is that soy sauce doesn’t spoil quickly. Due to its fermentation and high salt content, it’s resistant to bacterial growth. However, leaving it out, especially in warmer environments, can lead to a gradual decline in flavor quality. Over time, the sauce might become less vibrant and complex, though it won’t become harmful to consume. For unopened bottles, room temperature storage is perfectly safe until you decide to crack one open.

How Long Does Soy Sauce Last Once it's Opened

Once opened, soy sauce can last quite a long time. Typically, an opened bottle can maintain its best quality for up to six months at room temperature and about a year if refrigerated. Even beyond these periods, the soy sauce remains safe to use, though you might notice some loss in its flavor punch. The presence of sediment or changes in color are indicators that it might be time for a fresh bottle, but rest assured, soy sauce doesn't really expire in the conventional sense.

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