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Does Krispy Kreme Really Give Away Free Donuts If You Keep Up Your Good Grades?

Krispy Kreme's viral TikTok trend claims students can earn free doughnuts for good grades. While it’s not a new program, the offer has gained popularity with students sharing report cards to redeem one free doughnut per A. The deal, a longstanding tradition, varies by store and location, creating a sweet incentive for academic success.

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In a world where TikTok trends can quickly make or break a brand, Krispy Kreme is capitalizing on one that encourages academic achievement with a tasty reward: free doughnuts for good grades. This offer, which has gone viral on the platform, suggests that Krispy Kreme will hand out free doughnuts to students who bring in their report cards showing A’s. But is it too good to be true, or is there really a sweet deal waiting for students? Let’s take a closer look at what's really going on.

The Truth Behind the Trend

The TikTok trend has seen an explosion of students—and parents—claiming their free Krispy Kreme doughnuts after sharing report cards with straight A’s. While this may sound like a viral loophole, it’s not as new as you might think. In fact, the free doughnuts program has been around for years, dating back to 2011, and is a tradition that varies by local Krispy Kreme stores across the country. Krispy Kreme confirmed that students who bring in a report card showing an A (in grades K-12) are eligible to receive one free Original Glazed doughnut for each A they earned. You can walk away with up to six doughnuts, provided they meet the criteria.

While the trend has sparked interest among TikTok users, it’s important to note that this is not an official corporate policy from Krispy Kreme. Instead, it's a nationwide program that’s promoted and carried out by individual stores. The program has been a part of the brand’s efforts to encourage academic excellence, but the specifics may differ depending on the location. For example, the deal is only valid for report cards from the current term; past report cards or progress reports don’t count. So, if you’re hoping to cash in on those mid-term grades, think again.


So proud of her! @Krispy Kreme

♬ GOOD DAY (Sped Up) – Forrest Frank

How the Deal Works

For those eager to redeem the free doughnuts, here's how it works: Students need to show up at a participating Krispy Kreme store with a report card that reflects A’s for that term. They can then claim one free Original Glazed doughnut for every A. This deal is valid across the U.S., but it’s up to the discretion of the individual store, so it’s a good idea to check if your local Krispy Kreme is participating. Some stores may even cap the number of doughnuts per student, so don’t expect to load up on an entire dozen.

Why It’s Catching On

The viral nature of this TikTok trend has caught the attention of many parents looking for a fun way to motivate their children academically. In a world where rewarding children with material goods is often seen as a strong motivator, Krispy Kreme’s offer serves up a delicious incentive to hit those books a little harder. After all, who wouldn’t want to enjoy a fresh, warm doughnut after acing a test?

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