Then let’s discover the benefits of dark chocolate.
Dark chocolate can be a beneficial food for our body: we are talking about the one composed at least for 45% of cocoa paste, that is better than milk chocolate or white chocolate. Dark chocolate is indeed rich in flavonoids, powerful antioxidants, and it also helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, insomnia, depression and there is more: dark chocolate also protects against type 2 diabetes and cholesterol. However, it is important to choose the right dark chocolate and consume it in adequate quantities. Then let’s discover the benefits of dark chocolate.
Compared to milk chocolate and white chocolate, dark chocolate is more precious and it contains fewer calories, sugars and saturated fats. This is because it is produced with at least 45% cocoa paste and over 25% cocoa butter. Those who want to enjoy the benefits of chocolate must therefore get used to that beneficial bitter flavor of the dark one, giving up the creaminess of white chocolate and milk chocolate, two variants that contain a very low percentage of flavonoids, powerful antioxidants of which the dark chocolate is rich. The higher the percentage of cocoa, the greater the presence of flavonoids: a 100 grams tablet of dark chocolate contains about 50 mg, while the same quantity of milk chocolate contains about 10 mg, and in white chocolate the percentage is instead equal to zero.
To be beneficial for the mind and body, it is important to choose the dark chocolate that has at least 70% cocoa, consuming a daily amount of about 10-15 grams, or 30 grams if consumed sporadically. Thanks to the content of flavonoids and polyphenols, dark chocolate protects the heart, as it keeps the arteries flexible, also fighting hypertension. The theobromine content also plays a cardiac stimulant action, preventing heart attacks.
Dark chocolate also has an antidepressant action, in fact it contains tryptophan, a substance that stimulates the production of serotonin, the happiness hormone. This beneficial effect would also affect sleep, guaranteeing a better night's rest: just do not exceed in quantity, as dark chocolate also contains a small amount of caffeine which can cause a state of momentary euphoria.
The flavonoid content, on the other hand, reduces blood sugar levels by increasing the good HDL cholesterol and decreasing the bad LDL and triglycerides. Consuming extra dark chocolate would also help prevent type 2 diabetes and fight insulin resistance. Furthermore, if consumed in the right quantities in a low-calorie diet, chocolate also helps to lose weight: the fibers contained in dark chocolate, in fact, diminish the sense of hunger. The good rule is therefore to not exceed in consumption, remembering that it is still a food that contains fat and calories.