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Butter pecan cookies: a chewy and tasty recipe

Total time: 20 Min
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 6 people
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By Cookist


Chopped pecans
3/4 cup
Unsalted butter
1/2 cup
All purpose flour
1 cup
Brown sugar
1/3 cup
Vanilla Extract
1 tsp
a pinch

Butter pecan cookies are a delicious recipe you can't do without anymore. The toasty flavor explodes in your mouth. These cookies are very chewy and easy to make. You just need to mix butter, toasted pecans halves, brown sugar and flour.

These cookies with pecans are very soft at the center and you'll love when the chewy edges turn a little crispy. They taste so sweet, salty and buttery that you will wolf down all of them in a few minutes! Prepare this dessert with your children and add whatever you want on top or as filling.


How to make perfect pecan cookies

Pecan cookies are really easy to make and will be rich in flavor if you follow our tips.

  • Toast your pecans before starting. Then you can chop them, so they will cook evenly and won't burn.
  • Pay attention when you measure flour, especially if you use cups instead of a kitchen scale. Spoon the flour into the cup and level it off.
  • Let your pecan cookies chill after they baked. They will be perfect: chewy in the center and slightly crunchy on the edges.
  • Use an oven thermometer to check temperature. Cookies may be flat and spread out too much if dough is too warm or the oven temperature is low. On the contrary, pecan cookies won't spread out if dough is too cold or the oven has a high temperature.


  1. Preheat oven at 350°F/175°C and bake pecan halves on a baking sheet for 3-5 minutes. Leave the oven on and set pecans aside.
  2. In a large bowl, beat melted butter for a minute, add brown sugar and mix until well combined. Whisk also vanilla, salt and sifted flour until cookie dough is ready. Add toasted pecans and stir well.
  3. Divide dough into 12 pieces or more and create some balls. Line them on a baking sheet spacing at 2" apart.
  4. Transfer to oven and bake for about 10-15 minutes until golden brown. Let the cookies chill. Enjoy!


  • Storage: butter pecan cookies can be stored up to 5 days in an airtight container at room temperature. You can freeze cookie ball dough for 3 months, then bake it in the oven without defrosting it.
  • Preparation: butter mustn't be too hot because it may melt sugars and cookies will be all over the baking pan.
  • Decoration: you can add whatever you want on top or as filling to give an intense flavor. An example can be chocolate chips, maple frosting or oatmeal. If you want to bring out the salty sweet flavor, you can sprinkle cookies with sea salt before serving.
  • Alternative: If you prefer, you can brown butter. Use a light colored pan, so the process will be clear anytime. Melt at a medium-high heat, stir and wait until it boils. When the milk solids turn golden on the bottom of the pan, you can lower the flame and wait for the color to turn brown. Let it cool for 10 minutes. Pay attention while browning the butter because it can burn fast.
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