
Brigadeiro Cake: the Recipe for the Delicious Brazilian Dessert, Ready in Just a Few Steps!

Total time: 3hr10mins.
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 6 people
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By Cookist

Introducing our Brigadeiro Cake! This indulgent dessert is the perfect treat for any chocolate lover. Combining rich cocoa powder, creamy sour cream, and luscious condensed milk, this cake is a symphony of flavors and textures. Baked slowly in a water bath, it achieves a beautifully moist and velvety consistency that's simply irresistible. Ideal for special occasions or a luxurious after-dinner treat, this dessert stands out not only for its intense chocolatey goodness but also for its unique baking method. Sprinkled with grated chocolate, each bite promises a delightful melt-in-your-mouth experience. Whether you're hosting a dinner party or simply treating yourself, this chocolate delight is sure to become a favorite. People will love it for its richness, elegance, and the sheer pleasure it brings to the palate.

What is Brigadeiro Cake?

Brigadeiros (pronounced as bree-gah-DAY-rohs) are a quintessential Brazilian sweet treat that has become a beloved part of the nation's culinary culture. These bite-sized chocolate confections are made from condensed milk, cocoa powder, butter, and often rolled in chocolate sprinkles. Brigadeiro cake, or "Bolo de Brigadeiro," is an indulgent, larger-scale version of this popular treat, often featuring layers of moist chocolate cake filled and topped with the rich brigadeiro mixture. The origin of brigadeiros dates back to the 1940s and is attributed to the campaign of Brigadeiro Eduardo Gomes, a Brazilian Air Force brigadier who ran for president. His supporters created these sweets as a way to promote his candidacy, and they quickly gained popularity. Today, brigadeiros and brigadeiro cake are enjoyed at birthdays, celebrations, and festivals, symbolizing joy, togetherness, and Brazilian culinary tradition. This dessert is cherished for its simplicity, rich flavor, and the nostalgia it evokes in Brazilians of all ages.

Tips for The Best Brigadeiro Cake

  • Ensure that your eggs, sour cream, and butter are at room temperature before mixing. This helps create a smoother batter and ensures even baking.
  • Spread butter evenly over the baking pan and sprinkle it with sugar. This not only prevents sticking but also adds a delightful caramelized crust to your dessert.
  • Baking the mixture in a water bath helps maintain a gentle and even heat, preventing the cake from cracking and ensuring a moist, custard-like texture. Place the baking pan in a larger pan filled with hot water before putting it in the oven.
  • Baking at a low temperature for an extended period is crucial for this recipe. Be patient and avoid opening the oven door frequently, as this can cause temperature fluctuations.
  • Allow the dessert to cool in the pan for at least 30 minutes before attempting to remove it. This helps it set properly and makes it easier to handle.

Why Didn't My Cake Set?

Insufficient baking time or an incorrect oven temperature can result in a runny texture. Additionally, the water bath is crucial for even baking; if there wasn't enough hot water, the cake might not have baked evenly. Measurement errors, particularly with liquid ingredients like eggs and sour cream, can also affect the setting. Overmixing the batter can incorporate too much air, impacting the texture. Finally, using a different pan size than specified can alter the baking dynamics, preventing the cake from setting as intended.

Why is My Cake Dry?

Overbaking is a common cause, as baking for too long or at a higher temperature than required can dry out the cake. Additionally, an incorrect water bath setup can affect moisture levels; insufficient water or not maintaining its temperature can lead to dryness. Using less sour cream or butter than the recipe calls for can also result in a drier texture. Lastly, not covering the cake during baking can cause moisture to escape, leading to a dry cake.

How Do I Know When The Cake is Done?

You can tell the cake is done when it's firm to the touch and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean or with just a few moist crumbs. The edges should slightly pull away from the sides of the pan, and the top should have a glossy finish without appearing wet. Additionally, the cake should have a slight jiggle but not be runny, indicating it's set but still moist inside.

How Do I Remove The Cake From the Baking Pan?

To remove the cake from the baking pan, first let it cool in the pan for about 30 minutes to set properly. Then, run a knife around the edges to loosen it. Place a plate or serving tray over the pan, invert it, and gently tap the bottom to release the cake. If it's still stuck, place a warm, damp towel on the bottom of the pan to help release it.

Can I Make This Ahead?

Of course! It's actually better when allowed to sit for a day, as the flavors meld and the texture improves. Before serving, let it come to room temperature or slightly warm it up for the best taste and texture.

Can I Cook This Without the Water Bath?

Cooking this cake without the water bath is not recommended, as the water bath ensures even baking and prevents the cake from drying out or cracking. The gentle, consistent heat from the water bath is crucial for achieving the moist, custard-like texture that defines this dessert.

Can I Freeze This?

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How to Store Brigadeiro Cake

Store the cake in an airtight container in the refrigerator. It will keep well for up to 3-4 days. For the best taste and texture, allow the cake to come to room temperature before serving or slightly warm it up.


Sour cream
600 grams
Cocoa powder
200 grams
Condensed milk
600 grams
40 grams
to taste
Grated chocolate
to taste

How to Make Brigadeiro Cake

In a bowl, add the sour cream, the eggs and the condensed milk.

Then, add the cocoa powder and the butter.

With an electric whisk, combine all the ingredients until they are well blended together and smooth and lump-free.

Spread a circular baking pan with butter and then sprinkle it with sugar, distributing it well.

Add in the prepared mixture, straining in as you go.

Prepare a water bath with hot water, place the baking pan into it, cover with a sheet of aluminum foil and bake for three hours at 320°F (160°C) for 3 hours.

When the baking time is up, and the cake has cooled for at least 20 minutes, take it out of the baking pan and sprinkle it with grated chocolate chips.

Serve and enjoy!

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