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Benefits and use of coconut oil for healthy hair and scalp

Coconut is a magical fruit, whose each part is of tremendous use for humans. Right from the outer coir to its leaves, fruits, and even oil, each part of coconut can be used for something productive.


Coconut is a magical fruit, whose each part is of tremendous use for humans. Right from the outer coir to its leaves, fruits, and even oil, each part of coconut can be used for something productive. Read on to know how the oil of coconut can be used to benefit hair health.

For ages, coconut oil has been used for hair related problems. It contains antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties, which makes it potent against hair loss and scalp infections leading to the growth of strong and healthy hair.


There are various incredible benefits of using coconut oil to massage your scalp and hair.

It works as sebum and coats the hair root to protect them from dryness and getting damaged. The lauric acid present in it helps to bind the hair protein and protects hair strands and roots from breakage. It contains antioxidants that boost hair growth. Coconut oil can penetrate the hair shaft to protect them from heat and pollutants. It is also a natural conditioner and makes the hair soft and shiny. Regular massaging of the scalp with coconut oil helps to improve blood circulation and nourish the hair follicles.


You may use coconut oil to deep condition your hair. Just shampoo your hair, but do not condition them, and dry them thoroughly. Now, gently massage your scalp with some hot coconut oil and then carefully comb the hair so that the oil penetrates deep in to the scalp. Cover the hair with a shower cap and leave it overnight or at least for an hour. Shampoo again and let them dry naturally.

You may use coconut oil to fight dandruff. Make an oil blend by mixing coconut oil with aloe vera gel in equal quantities. Generously apply this mix on your hair and scalp and shampoo your hair after an hour of its application. This blend of healthy ingredients will help to moisturize your hair and scalp and control hair loss.


You may use coconut oil to treat dull hair. Mix coconut oil and olive oil in equal quantities and apply it all over the scalp and length of your hair. Tie the hair in to a bun and cover your head with a hot towel. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo after an hour of application. Follow this routine 2 to 3 times a month to get soft, non-frizzy, and strong hair.

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