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Banana Split: a fun, easy recipe for a classic American dessert

Total time: 5 Min
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 2 people
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By Cookist


Vanilla ice cream
1 scoop
Chocolate ice cream
1 scoop
strawberry ice cream
1 scoop
fresh pineapple, diced
2 tbsp
Chocolate syrup
2 tbsp
Strawberry Syrup
2 tbsp
Whipped cream
maraschino cherries
peanuts, finely chopped
2 tbsp

The traditional banana split is an all-American dessert people enjoy with a spoon. It's made with three scoops of ice cream nestled between two halves of a split banana and topped with chocolate, fresh fruit, and nuts. This sweet, fun dessert is an ideal way to satisfy your sweet tooth and beat the heat this summer.

Usually made with vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry ice cream, the banana split is a great dessert for sharing. Kids love this dessert. They'll enjoy making and eating it! Customize your banana split however you like. Add nuts, fruit, syrups, and more for a sensational banana split unique to you!

Banana Split Origins

Banana splits date back to early 20th century American soda fountains. There are several origin stories, but the most credible legend attributes the invention of the banana split to David “Doc” Strickler, a Pennsylvanian optometrist who saw a similar ice cream dessert while on holiday. He concocted a dessert by splitting bananas in half and topping them with ice cream, fruit, and syrups which proved popular with local college students.

However, other stories say it was Ernest “Doc” Hazard who first made the banana split. Others claim the dessert was invented in Boston, Davenport, Chicago, and Columbus.

Classic Banana Split Ingredients

There are loads of banana split variations, but to make a traditional banana split, you'll need a few essentials. First off, get a ripe, yet firm banana.

Classic banana splits are made with vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry ice cream.

To top the scoops, grab fresh strawberries and pineapple, plus your favorite chocolate syrup.

Whipped cream and chopped nuts act as a garnish, and of course, you don't want to forget the cherry on top!

How to Make a Banana Split

To make the perfect banana split, split the banana down the middle and arrange each half of the banana on either side of a sundae dish. Put each scoop of ice cream between the banana slices. You can put them in any order you like. Put the diced pineapple on top of the vanilla, then drizzle the chocolate syrup over the chocolate ice cream.

Finally, scoop the strawberries onto the strawberry ice cream. To top off your banana split, put whipped cream and a maraschino cherry on each scoop of ice cream, then sprinkle the chopped peanuts over the top of the dessert. Serve it immediately, and enjoy!


Banana Split Topping Ideas

Instead of peanuts, try candied pecans, chopped almonds, or walnuts. Candy and crushed cookies make a great banana split topping. Use your favorite fruits as topping. Mandarin oranges, blueberries, and mango are all delicious. You can also use butterscotch, caramel, or fruit syrups as toppings. Get creative!

Tips for Traditional Banana Split

Ripe but firm bananas are the best for banana splits.

Use homemade whipped cream and chocolate ganache for even better flavor.

Make sure to serve your banana split as soon as it's assembled so the ice cream doesn't melt!

Banana Split Variations

The beauty of the banana split is that you can customize it however you like. Swap out the ice cream flavors for your favorite combinations. Some delicious flavor combos are mint, chocolate, and vanilla; chocolate, coffee, and heath bar; and toffee, butterscotch, and vanilla. You can even make a banana split with your favorite fruit sorbets. Experiment with different combos!

Can You Store a Banana Split?

You can store your banana split in the freezer. Wrap it well and enjoy it within one month.

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Peel and cut lengthwise a banana. Arrange each half of the banana on either side of a sundae dish.

Put the scoops of ice cream between the banana slices in a row.

Place the diced pineapple on the vanilla ice cream. Drizzle the chocolate syrup over the chocolate ice cream. Place the sliced strawberries on top of the strawberry ice cream.

Garnish each scoop of ice cream with whipped cream and a maraschino cherry, then sprinkle the chopped peanuts over the whipped cream. Serve immediately.


Use a sundae dish for your banana split.

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