The tasty apple's flavor with the delicious custard.
An easy and perfect idea to make a unique cake!
Ingredients: 200g Caster Sugar, 200g Softened Butter, 4 Eggs, 2 Tbsp Milk, 5 Apples, Custard, Velvet Sugar, Flaked Almonds.
1.Mix together the sugar and softened butter.
2.Beat the eggs and mix them into the butter and sugar mix along with the milk.
3.Now sift in the flour and baking powder and whisk to form a thick batter.
4.Peel and core your apples and put them into acidulated water (lemon juice and water mix) to prevent browning.
5.Line a 23cm cake tin with baking parchment.
6.Arrange the apples and then pour in the batter ensuring that the core remains free of cake batter.
7.Bake in the oven at 190°C or 375F for 40 minutes or until cooked.
8.Remove from the tin and allow to cool.
9.Pipe the custard into the holes in the apples.
10.Drizzle with velvet sugar and add flaked almonds.
Serve and enjoy!