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Aebleskiver: the best recipe for Danish pancakes

Total time: 15 Min
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 10 people
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all-purpose flour
2 cups
baking powder
2 tsp
Baking soda
1 tsp
1 tbsp
2 cups
large eggs, yolks and white separated
pure vanilla extract
1/2 tsp
butter, melted, plus extra
3 tbsp

Aebleskiver (also spelled ebelskiver) is a tasty, flaky, buttery Danish pancake that's halfway between a popover and the classic pancakes you're familiar with. Aebleskiver pancakes are delightfully airy with a subtle vanilla flavor. These fluffy Danish pancakes are fantastic when served with jam, powdered sugar, fresh berries, or homemade Nutella, making them perfect as part of your breakfast or a weekend brunch. You'll need an aebleskiver pan to make these delectable puffs at home, but they're so versatile, enticing, and easy-to-make, it's definitely worth buying one.


What Equipment Do You Need to Make Aebleskiver

You'll need an aebleskiver pan to make these delicious Danish pancakes. While they might be tricky to track down in store, aebleskiver pans are readily available online and typically aren't too expensive. Beyond the special pan, you'll also need a few mixing bowls, a whisk, a pastry brush, and a spatula.


How to Store Aeblskiver

Keep leftover aebleskiver in an airtight container and enjoy within 2 days. Eblskiver can also be put in a freezer bag and freeze them for up to 3 months.

How to make Aebleskiver


Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and sugar in a large bowl. Form a small well in the center of the bowl.


Pour in the buttermilk, egg yolks, vanilla, and melted butter.


Whisk to combine.


In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites until they form stiff peaks. Fold in the egg whites into the batter.


Heat the aebleskiver pan over medium-low heat. Place some butter in each well, using a pastry brush to grease the wells of the pan. Pour in 1 tablespoon of batter into each well, filling it the brim.


Wait until small bubbles begin to form


Flip the aebleskiver.


Once golden brown set them on a plate.


Add butter to each well and repeat with the remaining batter. Add powdered sugar.


– Make sure the bowl you use to whip the egg whites is completely clean. If there are any traces of grease, the stiff peaks won't form.

– Let your ingredients come to room temperature before you begin making your aebleskiver.

– Use a spatula to see if the aebleskiver are beginning to turn golden brown before flipping them.

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