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8 foods to chew on to maintain healthy teeth

Doesn’t it sound great that you may have a healthy set of denture just by chewing on to some interesting foods than spending endless hours at a dentist’s clinic? Read on to know a bit more about these incredible foods.


Doesn’t it sound great that you may have a healthy set of denture just by chewing on to some interesting foods than spending endless hours at a dentist’s clinic? Read on to know a bit more about these incredible foods.

For ages, we have associated food with decaying teeth. However, this does not hold true for all kinds of food and according to some researches, there are certain foods that are rather good for the teeth as well. Here are 8 foods that benefit the dental health.

Tea. As opposed to the popular belief, tea contains polyphenol that slows down the growth of bacteria and controls clumping of any bacteria that are associated with gum problems and cavities. It has been reported that people who rinse their mouth with black or green tea 10 times a day, for a minute each, are less prone to build plaque than who used plain water alone. Black tea is also reported to fight bad breath as the polyphenols in it suppress the bacterial genes that are associated with the production of smelly compounds.


Cheese. Cheddar cheese has been reported to lower the oral acidic levels in children between the age group of 12 to 15 years than those who consumed sugar free yogurt or a glassful of milk. Researchers believe that cheese neutralizes the acidic plaque and chewing the cheese produces more saliva that washes out some oral bacteria as well.


Raisins. Contrary to popular belief, not all sweet things damage our teeth. Raisins do not contain sucrose and are a source of phytochemicals that may destroy cavity forming bacteria. There are also some other compounds present in raisins that affects the growth of bacteria that are related to gum problems.


Crunchy stuff. Chewing as such is beneficial as it disturbs the dental plaque and foods with hard texture do not let the oral bacteria settle in the mouth.


High mineral food. Foods that are a rich source of calcium and phosphorus are beneficial to keep the tooth enamel healthy and strong as these minerals redeposit the mineral loss caused by the acidic food and beverage.


Sugar free gum. As the bacterial growth is dependent upon the presence of sucrose to produce plaque, consuming sugar free or sugarless foods is beneficial for healthy gums and teeth. Enjoying a gum involves a lot of chewing that also benefits the oral health.


Milk. Plain milk helps to neutralize the acids produced by plaque causing bacteria. This benefit of milk holds true only when it is enjoyed as a beverage and not when added to cereal. So, after enjoying a sweet preparation or dessert you may consider chugging on to a glass of plain milk to protect teeth.


Cranberries. Just like tea, unsweetened and tart cranberries also contain polyphenols that restrict plaque from sticking to the teeth and lowers the risk of cavities.

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