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7 Unique Ways Coffee is Enjoyed Around the World

Coffee is a beloved beverage worldwide, and each culture has its unique way of preparing and enjoying it. From sweetened coffee drinks to spiced brews, we explore some of the most fascinating ways coffee is savoured across different countries, offering a delicious journey through global coffee traditions.

By Cookist

Coffee is more than just a morning pick-me-up; it's a global phenomenon enjoyed in countless ways. Each country has its own unique traditions, ingredients, and brewing methods that make their coffee culture special. From sweet and creamy concoctions to spiced and bold brews, let’s explore how coffee is savoured around the world.

Here are some of the most fascinating ways coffee is enjoyed across different cultures:

1. Italy: The Art of Espresso and Cappuccino


In Italy, coffee is more than a drink—it's a ritual. Espresso is the most popular choice, served as a quick shot of strong coffee meant to be sipped while standing at a bar. Italians also enjoy cappuccino, a blend of espresso, steamed milk, and foam, typically consumed in the morning. Interestingly, it's uncommon for Italians to drink cappuccino after breakfast, as they believe milk-based coffee is best enjoyed earlier in the day.

2. Ethiopia: The Traditional Coffee Ceremony


As the birthplace of coffee, Ethiopia offers an intricate and time-consuming coffee ceremony that's deeply rooted in its culture. Coffee beans are roasted, ground, and brewed right in front of guests, and the resulting coffee is served in small cups called "cini." The process often includes the addition of spices like cardamom or cinnamon, making the flavor rich and aromatic. This ceremony is a social event, symbolising hospitality and respect.

3. Turkey: Thick and Sweet Turkish Coffee


Turkish coffee is famous for its thick, unfiltered texture and bold flavor. Made using finely ground coffee beans simmered with water and sugar in a special pot called a "cezve," this coffee is served in small cups with grounds settled at the bottom. It's common to pair Turkish coffee with a piece of Turkish delight, adding sweetness to the experience. Additionally, reading fortunes from the coffee grounds left in the cup is a popular tradition.

 4. Vietnam: Egg Coffee (Cà Phê Trứng)


Vietnamese egg coffee is a unique treat that's both sweet and creamy. Made with strong Vietnamese coffee, the drink is topped with a frothy mixture of egg yolk, condensed milk, sugar, and sometimes butter or cheese. It has a custard-like texture and is served either hot or iced. This delicious combination offers a rich and dessert-like experience, making it one of Vietnam's most iconic coffee drinks.

5. Mexico: Café de Olla


In Mexico, café de olla is a comforting blend of coffee, cinnamon, and piloncillo (unrefined cane sugar) brewed together in a clay pot. This method infuses the coffee with warm, spicy flavours, making it aromatic and distinct. The clay pot, or "olla," enhances the coffee's earthy taste, making it a beloved beverage in Mexican households, especially during cold weather.

6. Sweden: Fika Culture and Coffee with Cake


In Sweden, coffee is enjoyed as part of the "fika" tradition—a social break that involves coffee and sweet treats like cinnamon buns or cookies. Fika is more than just a coffee break; it's a moment to relax, connect with others, and enjoy life. Swedish coffee is typically served strong and black, but the pairing with pastries adds sweetness to this daily ritual.

7. Saudi Arabia: Arabic Coffee with Dates


Arabic coffee, or "qahwa," is a staple in Saudi Arabian culture, often brewed with cardamom and sometimes saffron for an aromatic flavour. It’s served in small cups alongside dates, offering a balance of bitterness from the coffee and sweetness from the fruit. This coffee is usually enjoyed in social gatherings, reflecting the country's hospitality and tradition.

Whether sipped slowly or enjoyed on the go, coffee connects us all with its rich flavours and timeless traditions. How do you enjoy your coffee, and which of these global traditions would you love to try next?

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