In a recent interview, Rebel Wilson said she declared 2020 her Year of Health, because she wanted to make a lasting change and be accountable for it. The Australian-born actress and comedian discusses her history with emotional eating and how to overcome criticism from "haters." If you want to get some tips to help with weight loss and maintain a healthier you, read on!
In an interview with BBC World Service on December 6, 2021, Rebel Wilson declared 2020
her Year of Health. The Australian actress also shared important tips that can help others
like her with weight loss and maintaining a healthier version of themselves.
Here are the 7 things that helped Rebel Wilson lose 77 pounds:
Wilson's "why" was to get healthy before it is time to have children. She also wants to feel
better and overcome her emotional eating as well as stay true to herself.
Wilson said she cuts herself some slack if she takes a day off or eats something out of her
chosen Mayr Method diet plan.
Wilson started 2020 by writing a letter to herself to make the commitment to her health feel
more tangible. So set yourself a realistic personal goal.
Wilson's favorite way to get fit is walking; and this is safe and free. Wilson says in the Live
that she'll put on a podcast or book and just walk around whatever town she's in. She walks
six out of seven days each week, aiming to do 60 minutes of exercise (walking or working
with one of her personal trainers). One day per week is for rest.
Wilson said. She used to eat fast food several times a week as a kid, or would think one
tough workout gave her the green light to eat 3,000 or 4,000 calories that day. During the
2020 "Year of Health," her goal was to stick to 1,500 calories or less when losing weight.
After some experimentation, Wilson discovered that she feels best on a high-protein diet.
She doesn't "eat clean" every day, but concentrates on how her body feels after she
consumes everything she does—and aims to eat everything mindfully.
She encourages that one can take occasional ice cream and chocolate, but must incorporate
more healthy ingredients into entrees, for instance, tucking shredded carrots and avocados
into tacos.
Most importantly, learn to deal with your emotional eating. Try to process your emotions and
deal with them in a better way. Wilson told Women's Health that this was what has really
changed her life for the better.
Wilson confessed that despite her accomplishments, she still suffers from having low
self-worth and just not loving herself. She suggested "Purge emotional writing" which does
by setting a 12-minute timer, then writes down all of her emotions so they are not being held
within. Then ends with one to five things she is grateful for that day.
She encourages that becoming healthier and fit should be the goal, not to fit some sort of
beauty standard that society deems is the beauty standard of that year.
If she feels stressed out, Wilson flips open a meditation app to "come back into her body,"
she says during the interview.
According to Wilson:
"Get out there, walk, walk, walk. Drink water, find out what foods are best to fuel your body,
and if you're like me and suffer from emotional eating, look into that and how you can help
yourself in that area". Wise words from a woman who now deems herself "Fit Amy."
There you have 7 things from Rebel Wilson to make you fit — share your favorite tips with