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5 things that happen to our body when we starve

Read on to know how your body takes to starvation.


Starvation is a very dangerous, yet a very old method to lose excess body weight. It is a type of cheat way to get quicker weight loss results. For the longest time, scientists and researchers are advising against following this practice. However, because of the constant glorification of the lean frame and thin physique in the modeling and film world, many people still follow this unhealthy practice. In fact, more and more people in mostly the younger age group blindly follows this trend, without even worrying about their health. Read on to know how your body takes to starvation.


Exercising and eating healthy may require a lot of effort, but all of it is justified when you get to see the results. Still, some people neither have the patience nor the zeal to put in efforts to attain a healthy body frame. These are the people who starve themselves to drop their excess body weight rather quickly while putting their health at risk. Here are the repercussions of starving your body of calories and other useful nutrients for a long time.

Lean muscles


Starvation results in loss of lean muscle mass and a decrease in the size of vital organs of our body. Sadly, the fat stores of our body remain relatively the same. So, all that change in body weight is primarily because of the loss of vital muscle mass, water present in our cellular structure, and not stubborn body fat.


Losing lean mass also reduces the mass of bones, which also decreases bone density and makes the person susceptible to bone injury and fractures.



Starvation for a long time can significantly change our metabolism. So, the tendency of humans to naturally lose weight is altered, which makes losing weight even more difficult in future attempts.


People on a starvation diet find it very difficult to concentrate on their work and feel low in energy, all the time. This is because of the voluntary restriction of calories in their daily diet.

Results in quick weight gain


Once the starvation period is over, the person may plan to get back to regular eating habits. But, by now, the body is programmed to eat less and survive on fewer calories, which results in quick storage of all the extra calories one consumes post starvation phase. All of this makes sustaining weight loss extremely difficult in the long run.

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