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5 plants that produce a bountiful crop

Gardening and farming are the most “rewarding” hobbies ever as you can literally bear fruits of your hard work and labor! Here are 5 varieties of plants that you can easily sow in your home garden to enjoy the bountiful riches of these plants.


Gardening and farming are the most “rewarding” hobbies ever as you can literally bear fruits of your hard work and labor! Here are 5 varieties of plants that you can easily sow in your home garden to enjoy the bountiful riches of these plants.

For many, gardening is much more than just a hobby and there is nothing more rewarding than to enjoy an abundant produce of your own garden! With smaller living spaces, busy city life, and the restricted garden area it does become difficult for anyone to pursue their love for plants and plantation. But, you need not worry as there are a few plant varieties that are decently sturdy, low on maintenance, and gives a plentiful produce that can be enjoyed even by the city dwellers.

Here is the list of 5 plants that can yield plenty if they are well taken care of.

Tomato. Tomatoes can be easily grown in your own garden space and there is nothing quite as nice as plucking a couple of fresh tomatoes from the vines growing in your home area. Each plant of tomato is known to give a large produce year after year if nurtured properly.


Eggplant. Eggplant seeds are also known to produce plenty of vegetables depending upon the variety of seeds sown. However, a small variety of eggplants bear a number of fruits (as in eggplants) than the large size varieties. So, just be cautious to provide adequate support for the plant vine to grow and the eggplants to flourish well.


Squash. This category includes many varieties of vegetables such as zucchini, crookneck, butternut, carnival, yellow squash, melon, cantaloupe, cucumbers etc. that are grown in different seasons throughout the year. Again the same rule applies to plant here as well, the smaller variety of vegetables outnumber the larger variety of squashes.


Potato. This is one of the easiest to grow crop and is super productive as each plant grows about 5 to 6 large potatoes. Just like tomato and eggplant, the potato is also a nightshade plant. For the ones who want to enjoy a humungous harvest, a variety of potatoes called as “new” potatoes are productive all through the season.


Okra. Okra is one of the few well behaved plant variety as it does not grow all over your garden area and reaps a plentiful harvest by attaining maturity from pod to a mature vegetable stage in just a couple of days. Apart from bearing a good number of fruits once the plant reaches its maturity stage, okra is pretty easy to manage and grow.

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