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3 proofs that eating butter is not unhealthy

In the recent past, several studies also support that eating butter should not be frowned upon anymore. Read on to know more about it.


Butter is by far the most dreaded food item for people of all age groups as it is perceived to be ‘fattening’. Well, of course, butter is all fats, but the story doesn’t end here. There is much more to this soft and creamy food ingredient, which is equally relished on a toast as is in the bakery preparations. This slab of dairy fat is also a rich source of vital vitamins, trace elements, and beneficial fatty acid compounds. In the recent past, several studies also support that eating butter should not be frowned upon anymore. Read on to know more about it.

Butter carries a tainted image in the food world as it is associated with practically every possible health problem. While many people continue to use it in cooking and baking, there are an equal number of people who use low-calorie or low-fat (hydrogenated) butter as an alternative source to the regular butter.

As we all know that hydrogenated fats are categorically detrimental to our health, it is best to stick to the regular butter while cooking meals. Many studies also support the use of regular butter as they claim that it is not unhealthy to consume it.


Nutritionally viable

Consuming butter in moderation provides us plenty of Vitamin A, D, E, and K as it is a source of dairy fat. Butter also contains healthy fatty acid compounds, that is, conjugated linoleic acid and butyrate, which prevents cancer and digestive problems. It is a good source of selenium and iodine as well.

The study


According to a compilation of nine papers, it has been published that consuming butter does not raise the risk of heart problems. Surprisingly, people who consumed butter daily showed a 4% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to people who did not eat butter at all. A review study also mentioned that a high intake of dairy-based high-fat foods, such as butter, can decrease the risk of obesity.

The result

This clearly concludes that much talk regarding butter is false and absurd as scientifically backed data reports otherwise. In fact, several science-backed studies reported an opposite effect of butter on heart health as consuming a moderate amount of butter could lower the risk of heart diseases.

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