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10 Common Items that Should Never Be Stored on Top of The Fridge

Storing items on top of your fridge might seem convenient, but it can lead to problems such as reduced appliance efficiency, safety hazards, and potential food spoilage. Here are ten items you should avoid placing on top of your refrigerator and the reasons why.

By Cookist

The space on top of a refrigerator often seems like a perfect storage spot, especially in kitchens where counter space is limited. However, placing certain items on top of your fridge can lead to various issues, including safety risks and decreased appliance efficiency. Understanding what should and shouldn’t be stored there can help you keep your kitchen organized and your fridge working properly. Here are ten things you should never store on top of your refrigerator.

1. Perishable Foods

Storing perishable foods on top of your fridge is a bad idea. The heat generated by the appliance can cause these items to spoil faster. Keep perishables inside the fridge where they belong to ensure they stay fresh and safe to eat.

2. Appliances

Placing small kitchen appliances like microwaves or toaster ovens on top of the fridge can block ventilation, causing the fridge to overheat and work harder. This can lead to increased energy consumption and potential damage to both appliances.


3. Liquor and Wine

Heat can affect the quality of alcoholic beverages. Storing liquor and wine on top of the fridge exposes them to fluctuating temperatures, which can degrade their flavor and quality. Store these beverages in a cool, dark place instead.

4. Cookbooks

Cookbooks and other paper items can be damaged by the heat and humidity generated by the fridge. Over time, this can cause the pages to warp and the bindings to weaken. Keep your cookbooks in a dry, stable environment.

5. Houseplants

Houseplants might seem like a decorative addition to the top of your fridge, but the heat and lack of consistent light can stress them. Most houseplants thrive in stable conditions, away from heat sources. Find a spot with better temperature regulation and appropriate light for your plants.


6. Electronics

Electronics such as radios, tablets, and charging stations should not be stored on top of your fridge. The heat and vibrations from the fridge can damage these devices and reduce their lifespan. Store electronics in a cool, dry place.

7. Medications

Heat and humidity can affect the potency and effectiveness of medications. Storing them on top of the fridge exposes them to inconsistent temperatures, which can lead to degradation. Always keep medications in a cool, dry place, as recommended on their labels.

8. Candles

Candles stored on top of the fridge can soften or melt due to the heat. This can cause them to lose their shape and effectiveness. Store candles in a cool, dry place to maintain their quality.


9. Cereal and Bread

Storing cereal boxes and bread on top of the fridge might seem convenient, but the heat can cause them to become stale faster. It’s better to store these items in a pantry or a bread box to keep them fresh for longer.

10. Oil and Vinegar

Heat can cause oils to go rancid and vinegar to lose its flavor and potency. Storing these items on top of the fridge exposes them to higher temperatures, which can degrade their quality. Keep oils and vinegar in a cool, dark cupboard.

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