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Why You Should Never Store Olive Oil Inside of Plastic Bottles

Storing olive oil in plastic bottles is a bad idea due to chemical leaching, light sensitivity, permeability to air, and temperature fluctuations, all of which degrade the oil's quality. Glass bottles, especially dark-tinted ones, are superior as they prevent oxidation, protect from light, and don't leach chemicals.

By Cookist

Olive oil, the golden elixir of the Mediterranean, boasts a fairly long shelf life when stored correctly. But, as with all treasures, there are certain pitfalls to avoid to keep it in prime condition. Given its price and the culinary magic it brings, it's in our best interest to ensure it doesn't go bad or deteriorate. So, listen up, fellow olive oil enthusiasts: stop buying or storing your precious olive oil in plastic bottles!

The Problem Of Leached Chemicals

Plastic bottles, especially those made from PET (polyethylene terephthalate), can leach harmful chemicals into olive oil over time. Phthalates and other plasticizers, often present in these bottles, can migrate into the oil, especially when exposed to heat or sunlight. These chemicals are not only detrimental to your health but can also alter the flavor and quality of the olive oil. So, unless you fancy a side of plastic with your salad, steer clear of plastic storage.

Plastic is Transparent, and Oil Doesn't Like Light

Olive oil is notoriously sensitive to light. When exposed to light, it can oxidize, leading to rancidity and a loss of its delightful, nuanced flavors. Plastic bottles, particularly clear ones, offer little protection against this. Even tinted plastic is often insufficient. Without proper shielding, your olive oil can quickly degrade, turning a once luxurious drizzle into a bitter disappointment. Opt for better light protection to preserve your oil's integrity.


Plastic is Permeable 

Plastic is permeable, meaning that air can slowly seep through the material, causing oxidation. This continuous exposure to air accelerates the degradation process, making the oil go rancid faster than you can say "extra virgin." The permeable nature of plastic bottles fails to provide the airtight environment that olive oil needs for longevity. If you want your oil to stay fresh and flavorful, avoid the airy affair that plastic bottles bring.

Plastic is Prone to Temperature 

Olive oil should be stored in a cool, stable environment to maintain its quality. Plastic bottles, however, are prone to temperature fluctuations. Heat can cause the plastic to release chemicals and speed up the degradation of the oil. Since kitchen temperatures can vary wildly, plastic bottles exacerbate the problem. By switching to more stable storage options, you can keep your olive oil in the perfect cool zone.


Plastic is, Also, Not Eco-Friendly!

Beyond the personal health and taste concerns, plastic bottles contribute significantly to environmental pollution. Single-use plastics are a major ecological threat, and opting for plastic-free storage can be a small but meaningful step towards sustainability. By choosing more environmentally friendly storage methods, you help reduce plastic waste and protect the planet.

Is Glass Better? Absolutely!

When it comes to olive oil storage, glass bottles, especially dark-tinted ones, are the gold standard. Glass is impermeable, providing an airtight seal that keeps oxygen out and flavor in. It also offers superior protection against light, particularly if you choose green or amber glass. Moreover, glass doesn’t leach any chemicals, ensuring that your olive oil remains pure and untainted. So, for longevity, taste, and safety, glass is the clear (or rather, dark-tinted) winner.

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