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Why You Should Never Keep Potatoes and Onions Together When Storing Them

Storing onions and potatoes together is a bad idea due to moisture issues: potatoes release moisture that can cause onions to rot, while onions can make potatoes sprout faster. Neither produce significant ethylene gas, but their combined environment accelerates spoilage. Instead, store onions in mesh bags and potatoes in paper bags, keeping them in separate, cool, and well-ventilated areas to extend their freshness.

By Cookist

Onions and potatoes are very similar ingredients. They both grow under similar conditions, complement each other beautifully in countless dishes, and seem to need similar storage conditions. So, storing them together is perfect, right? Actually, no. And here's why.

The Moisture Issue

The primary reason onions and potatoes shouldn't be stored together is moisture. Potatoes release moisture as they age, which can lead to spoilage. Onions, on the other hand, prefer a dry environment to stay fresh. When stored together, the moisture from the potatoes can cause onions to become soft and start to rot. This accelerates spoilage for both vegetables, reducing their shelf life and leading to food waste. Keeping them separate helps maintain their optimal conditions and extends their usability.

Do Onions Cause Potatoes to Sprout?

Yes, onions can cause potatoes to sprout. While it’s not ethylene gas at play here, the close proximity of onions can influence the sprouting process. Onions emit moisture and gasses that can accelerate the sprouting of potatoes. Sprouted potatoes are still edible, but they can develop a bitter taste and may lose their desirable texture. To keep your potatoes fresh and firm, it’s best to store them away from onions.


What About Ethylene Gas, Then?

Neither onions nor potatoes release significant amounts of ethylene gas, which is often the culprit in hastening the ripening or spoilage of fruits and vegetables. However, the combination of gases and moisture they do emit can create an unfavorable storage environment for each other. This makes it crucial to store them separately to prevent the mutual spoilage that can occur when they are kept too close together.

How to Store Onions and Potatoes

So, how should you store these kitchen staples? Both need cool, dark, and well-ventilated environments, but they should be kept in separate locations. Onions can be stored in mesh bags or baskets that allow air circulation. Potatoes, on the other hand, should be kept in a paper bag or a box with some ventilation. They don’t need to be miles apart, but a bit of distance, such as storing them on opposite sides of a pantry, can do wonders. Keeping them in the same rack is not advisable unless the rack is large enough to allow plenty of space between them.

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